How does automatic alt text work on Facebook?

Alternative text (alt text) is a text-based description added to an image that can benefit people who are blind and have low-vision. If the person who uploaded or posted the image doesn't include alt text, Facebook’s Automatic Alt Text (AAT) technology uses computer vision and artificial intelligence to automatically create a description of the image. The automatic alt text may not always be complete, but you can edit the alt text for images you upload or post.
To hear the automatic alt text for an image, open Facebook using a screen reader and focus on the image. You’ll hear a description entered by the person who uploaded the image or a list of objects, concepts or locations the image may contain as recognized by Facebook's AAT technology. If you think the alt text of an image violates our Community Standards , you can report the image .

Languages automatic alt text supports

If you have any problems with automatic alt text, use this form to let us know .
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