Sell something with shipping in Facebook buy and sell groups

Groups focused on buying, selling or promoting products are subject to our Commerce Policies and may have different features available for admins. You must be an adult, based on the laws in your country, in order to buy, sell or see listings in a Facebook buy and sell group (example: at least 18 years old in the United States or at least 20 years old in Thailand). If you’re not an adult, you can still participate in the group, outside of listings.
Anyone can see listings posted in public buy and sell groups and Marketplace. They may also see listings posted in public buy and sell groups in their Feed.
Buy and sell group admins can't help resolve shipping issues. If you are having trouble with an item that was shipped, contact your buyer or seller or Facebook Support.
Sell something with shipping in buy and sell groups
From the buy and sell group you want to list your item(s) in:
Tap What are you selling?
Tap Items below Create new listing .
Upload all item photos, starting with the main photo, by tapping Add photos . You can upload up to 10 photos per listing.
Enter the item information you want to include in the appropriate boxes, labeled:
Category (Required for shipping)
Choose whether you would like to share your post to Marketplace by tapping next to Post to Marketplace .
Tap Next at the bottom of your screen.
Tap Location at the top of your screen to select your location, then tap Apply at the bottom.
Tap Delivery method to select your preferred delivery method.
If the listing category you’ve selected is eligible for shipping , tap Shipping & local pickup if you want to offer both shipping and local pickup options, or tap Shipping only if you only want to offer shipping for your item.
Tap Set up shipping at the bottom of your screen.
Enter your:
Legal first name
Legal middle name (If applicable)
Legal last name
Zip Code
Tap Save .
Confirm your legal name . You must enter your legal name to receive payments. The name you provide for payments is only visible to you. If the name displayed is incorrect, tap Edit name to make any necessary changes.
If the name displayed is correct, tap Confirm .
To receive payments for your shipped orders, you need to add your:
Date of birth
Bank information
You can complete this at any time before you ship your first order.

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