Understanding shipping in Facebook buy and sell groups

Groups focused on buying, selling or promoting products are subject to our Commerce Policies and may have different features available for admins. You must be an adult, based on the laws in your country, in order to buy, sell or see listings in a Facebook buy and sell group (example: at least 18 years old in the United States or at least 20 years old in Thailand). If you’re not an adult, you can still participate in the group, outside of listings.
Listing items with delivery

How does listing items with delivery work?

Getting your first delivery order

What happens after I get my first order?

Delivery labels

Using a prepaid delivery label

Using your own delivery label

Delivery types and speed

What companies can I use for delivery?

Delivery costs

Delivery label costs

Tracking an order

Where can I enter the tracking information for something I sent?

Where can I find the tracking information for something I ordered?

What kind of tracking updates do I get for something I ordered?

Getting paid

When do I get paid?

Get help

Tips for admins

Something's wrong with my order

Delivery policies

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