Report a community chat or content sent in a community chat

Community chats are chats created specifically for Facebook groups. Note that they are not available to all groups (example: commerce groups ) or people at this time.
If you believe a community chat or content sent in a community chat doesn’t follow our Community Standards or the group rules, you can report it to the group admins. You can also report to Facebook.
If you report to the group admins, they will receive a notification that there's something to review. Groups won't be disabled just because members report a community chat or community chat content to admins or to Facebook. However, Facebook may disable a group if there are sufficient multiple admin and moderator violations, which includes if an admin creates a community chat or content in a community chat that violates our Community Standards.
Note: When you report content to Facebook, recent messages in the chat will also be shared for review. This can include messages that have been unsent by members or removed by admins.

Report to group admins

Report a community chat to the group admins
From the Messenger mobile app
Tap .
Tap on a group to open it.
Tap on a community chat, then tap on the name of the chat at the top.
Scroll down and tap Report .
Tap Report to Admins to confirm, then follow the prompts.
From the Facebook mobile app
From the community chat, tap the name of the chat at the top.
Scroll down and tap Report chat to admin .
Tap Report to confirm.
Report specific content sent in a community chat to the group admins
From the Messenger mobile app
From the community chat on Messenger, tap and hold the content you'd like to report.
Tap Report .
Select Report to admins , then follow the prompts.
From the Facebook mobile app
Tap and hold the content you'd like to report.
Tap Report .
Select Report to Group admins .
Tap Report to confirm.

Report to Facebook

Report a community chat to Facebook
From the Messenger mobile app
Tap .
Tap on a group to open it.
Tap on a community chat, then tap on the name of the chat at the top.
Scroll down and tap Report , then follow the prompts.
From the Facebook mobile app
From the community chat, tap the name of the chat at the top.
Tap Something's wrong , then follow the prompts.
Report specific content sent in a community chat to Facebook
From the Messenger mobile app
From the community chat on Messenger, tap and hold the content you'd like to report.
Tap Report .
Select Report to Facebook , then follow the prompts.
From the Facebook mobile app
Tap and hold the content you'd like to report.
Tap Report .
Select Report to Facebook , then follow the prompts.
Stay safe in community chats
If you ever feel like you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact your local law enforcement.
If someone is bothering you in Messenger, you can always block messages from that person.
Learn more about privacy and safety in community chats and Facebook safety tools and resources .
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