Differences between Profiles, Pages and Groups on Facebook

Classic Pages on Facebook are updating to the new Pages experience . You’ll still have access to many of the same features to manage your professional presence, build your brand or business, grow your audience and connect with followers. Your content, insights, ads, Likes and followers will automatically transfer when your Page updates.
A profile is a place on Facebook where you can share information about yourself, such as your interests, photos, videos, current city and hometown.
Profiles can also be places where creators connect with their fans by turning on professional mode . When a creator turns on professional mode , anyone can follow their profile and see the creator’s public content in their Feed. If you’re a creator with professional mode on your profile, you can still share information and posts to your friends only or to a public audience. To see your profile, click or tap your name or profile picture at the top of Facebook.
You must have a profile to create a Page or help manage one. Pages are places on Facebook where artists, public figures, businesses, brands, organizations and nonprofits can connect with their fans or customers. When someone likes or follows a Page on Facebook, they can start seeing updates from that Page in their Feed.
To see an example of a Page, see the screenshot below.
You must have a profile to create a group or help manage one. Groups are a place to communicate about shared interests with certain people. You can create a group for anything — your family reunion, your after-work sports team, your book club — and customize the group's privacy settings depending on who you want to be able to join and see the group. When you join a group on Facebook, you start seeing content from that group in your Feed.
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