Reasons why you can't change your name on Facebook

Facebook is a community where people use the name they go by in everyday life. Always knowing who you're connecting with helps keep you and the rest of our community safe from impersonation , scams and phishing .
If you don't want someone to be able to see your profile (including your name), learn how to block them .
Change your name
Change your name on Facebook on your phone's mobile browser:
Review our name standards .
Tap in the top right of Facebook.
Scroll down and tap Settings & privacy , then tap Settings .
Tap Accounts Center .
Tap Profiles , then tap your account.
Tap Name .
Enter your name and tap Review change .
Tap Save changes .
If you're having trouble changing your name, please fill out this form to let us know. You can only change your name every 60 days.
You may have trouble changing your name if
Your name doesn't follow our name policy.
You changed your name in the last 60 days, or you tried to change it too frequently.
You were previously asked to confirm your name on Facebook.
Your name doesn't match the name that appears on an item from our ID list .
If you're still having trouble changing your name, you can fill out this form to request a name change and confirm your name.
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