Post, Participate and Privacy

Post in a Facebook group

Format your post in a Facebook group

Delete your posts and comments in a Facebook group

Post anonymously in a Facebook group

Create a community chat in a Facebook group

Create a reel in a Facebook group

Remix a reel or change your reel’s remix settings in a Facebook group

Share photos or videos in a Facebook group

Go live in a Facebook group

Create or manage a poll in a Facebook group

Create an event for a Facebook group

Upload or remove a file in a Facebook group

Share music in a Facebook group

View which members have seen a post in a Facebook group


Comment on something you see on Facebook

Join a community chat in a Facebook group

Earn a top contributor badge in a Facebook group

Award a post or comment in a Facebook group

Search for a post in a Facebook group


Differences between public and private Facebook groups

Change a Facebook group from public to private

Hide or unhide a private Facebook group you admin

Check if a Facebook group is public or private

Check if a private Facebook group is visible or hidden

Allow or don't allow your public group posts to appear off Facebook

Manage what information third-party apps can access in your Facebook group

Access or download information about your activity in Facebook groups

Buy and Sell Groups

How buy and sell groups differ from regular Facebook groups

Sell something in a Facebook buy and sell group

Edit your listing in a Facebook buy and sell group

Mark something as sold in a Facebook buy and sell group

Facebook's responsibility for things sold in a group or Marketplace

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