The Versions of Pride and Prejudice Obsession
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Any book by Jane Austen has a cult following.  Her books have strong female leads and conquer the trials of that day in a way that still brings hope.  Without a doubt Pride and Prejudice has the largest following of any of her books.  The main character, Elizabeth Bennet, isn’t afraid to buck tradition to pursue love, even when she’s too proud to see the love right before her. It’s an amazing book that has since been turned into countless other books, movies and mini-series. In fact there’s so many other versions of this book that they can kinda be hard to wade through. 

So let’s talk about the different versions and off-shoots of Pride and Prejudice.

If you haven’t read the actual book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, that is the first thing you need to do! The book goes so much deeper than any other version. Pride and Prejudice is free on Kindle! pride and prejudice1. Pride and Prejudice movie starring Keira Knightley – When people think of Pride and Prejudice this is usually what they think of. It’s a great movie, one of the best in my opinion but it lacks the true depth of the book. Obviously they couldn’t pack everything from the book into this one movie but it’s still an outstanding version of the book. When I’m sick or sad, this is what you’ll usually find me laying around watching. colin-firth-as-mr-darcy-in-pride-and-prejudice-bbc-adaptation-1995-lizzy2. Pride and Prejudice mini-series by BBC – This is the most accurate version of Pride and Prejudice that I have seen. The casting of some of the actors throws me off because it doesn’t match how I see the characters in my head from the book but other than that, it’s the closet thing you’ll get! This is from the 90’s and is hard to find. I bought it from Amazon Video and did I mention that it has Colin Firth in it? Maybe for Christmas Santa will bring me the DVD version.  3. Pride and Prejudice mini-series by BBC (1970’s version) – If you ever want a good laugh, this is the version for you. The entire thing reeks of cheesy 70’s television and the wardrobe and setting appears to actually be in a more modern time. However it is pretty accurate to the book. I found this on Netflix a few months ago but I do not believe it is still available. I don’t recommend seeing this version unless you are Pride and Prejudice obsessed (like I am) and just want to see all the versions there are! 

And we can’t forget the off-shoots from the book. These are the other books, movies and series that bring a little more life outside of Pride and Prejudice.

Death comes to1. Death Comes to Pemberley – This is a mini-series available on Netflix originally by PBS. I didn’t think I would like this series because it seemed to be more of a haunting mystery that wouldn’t mix with the spirit of Elizabeth Darcy and her home, Pemberley. But this show, which does tell about a death that comes to Pemberley, tells more about the struggles between Elizabeth and Darcy after they marry. It’s a great version that makes you think and shows you more into the lifestyle of the characters in that time.  2. Georgiana Darcy’s Diary – This book is the journal of Mr. Darcy’s little sister, Georgiana. It dives a lot into the life at Pemberley but also into her life while giving a glimpse of married life for Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. It’s a great book if you ever have wondered what might have happened after Pride and Prejudice ended. 3. Austenland – This is just a light hearted goofy movie about a Pride and Prejudice obsessed woman (Kiera Knightly, not me) who goes to England to have a true experience that mimics the Pride and Prejudice storyline. Sometimes it’s a little too silly and doesn’t have too much to do with the books but it’s a great movie for when you need a laugh. If you love British accents and good chick flicks, this is the movie for you.  4. Longbourn – This is a book that is supposed to be told from the servant’s perspective of the Bennet house, Longbourn. Honestly I liked this book until about the third chapter. Eventually the book perverts Pride and Prejudice and the story changes to be more about two of the servants living life outside of Longbourn. I tore this book up and used the pages in crafts rather than keep it or donate it to someone else.  And now you can judge me for knowing all of this – it’s ok. I’ll just be sitting over here in my bonnet, embroidering some new tea towels. Well, actually I’ll probably scraping a mystery substance off of the ceiling but I still think that Pride and Prejudice is one of the best books of all time.  Finding new versions or off-shoots is exciting to compare the differences between them. Hopefully you’ve found a new version that you didn’t know about.  If you haven’t read the actual book, read it today !  If you already love Pride and Prejudice than check out this free printable quote from Mr. Darcy.  Pride and Prejudice Free Printable quotes  *This post contains affiliate links*  
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