Father’s Day versus Princess Girly Girl
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Father’s Day was this past weekend. Last year I made TShirts for the girls to wear for His Royal Highness to church and then our usually sunday night dinner out. They turned out really cute and HRH really enjoyed them. I made them by photoshopping an image of HRH to make it more of a line drawing and then simply added some text and printed onto iron on transfer paper. Very quick and easy.

However this year our printer was broken! So off to Micheal’s I went with an idea but no easy way to accomplish it. HRH had told me that he wanted baseball themed gifts this year. I promise that if you cut him open you would find a flat screen tv in place of his heart that is permanently set to ESPN. Trust me on this one. So I wanted to make him baseball jersey’s for him and the girls to wear. To make a long story short; three fits, two cart accidents and one more fit (from me this time) later I had finally decided just to buy a lot of iron on letters and numbers. I had to buy a lot of them since there are so many D’s in Daddy! Then we headed off to academy to buy baseball jersey’s. It figures that the don’t have preschool size Tshirts so I bought the girls youth size shirts and then came home and hemmed the sleeves and bottom of the shirts to fit them better.

Anyone that knows Princess Girly Girl knows that she does not like anything that is too large or anything that is not a dress or skirt. So I had a hunch that the shirts would not go over well with her. I had her try on her shirt before I had ironed on the letters and she had an immediate melt down (I did too). She was bawling trying to tell me that it was just too big. She’s so cute when she’s dramatic. I finally told her to go get her big girl panties on and I started on the letters.

On the back of HRH’s shirt I put… “Awesome Daddy 01”. Princess Goofy’s shirt said “Daddy’s girl 02” to correspond to her age and Princess Girly Girl’s said “Daddy’s girl 03”.

Damion loved the shirts and loved his Academy gift card just as much. He didn’t really care for the Care Bears card that the girls picked out for him but Princess Girly Girl loved it and that was worth it… especially since she threw another fit when she learned that she had to wear the shirt on sunday morning! But I came to the rescue with a denim skirt to go with it. That’s what Queen’s do, we bring two warring forces together into a peaceful resolution.

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The post Father’s Day versus Princess Girly Girl appeared first on Clumsy Crafter .

By: Personalized Sketches and Sentiments

Just had to stop again and comment here :o) The baseball shirts look great! I love the photos too! So happy to hear that as Queen, you successfully restored peace in your lovely kingdom :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

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