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Scam Money Transfers: Mr.Roland David, Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky former C.E.O of Yukos Oil Company in Russia

Scam Money Transfers
Example -
Mr.Roland David,
"Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky former C.E.O of Yukos Oil Company in Russia"

Did you receive an email from a "Mr.Roland David", the "the personal treasurer to Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky former C.E.O of Yukos Oil Company in Russia" who  has "FUNDS TO BE RE-PROFILLED"  It's a variation of the usual dead, wealthy person with no will and no heirs and you-have-the-same-last-name - scam! Only this time it is the former head of Yukos Oil, who the present dictator of Russia (Vladimir Putin) has in jail (to make sure Putin would have no opposition). How did he find YOU of all people to send the former oil baron's hidden money?  Also see this version of the scam .

In any case, Mr.Roland David" hopes to con you into sending money for various "fees" to free the fortune.  If you would like a step by step explanation of how this type of "Advance Fee Fraud" works, click here!

Scam email:

From: Mr.Roland David. [ ]


My Good friend,


I am Mr.Roland David the personal treasurer to Mikhail Khodorkovsky the Richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies: Chairman CEO: YUKOS OIL (Russian Largest Oil Company) Chairman CEO:Menatep SBP Bank (A well reputable financial institution with its Branches all over the world)


I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$100.5M (One hundred Million Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars only), which I seek your Partnership in acommodating for me. You will be rewarded with 40% of The total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner on this?


As a personal treasurer to him, authority Was handed over to me in transfer of money of an American oil merchant For his last oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Already the funds have left the shore of Russia to an European Finacial Institute where the final crediting is expected to be carried out. While I was on the process, My Boss got arrested for his Involvement in politics by financing the leading and opposing political parties (the Union of Right Forces,Led by Boris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party Led by Gregor Yavlinsky) which poses treat to President Vladimir Putin Second Tenure as Russian president.

You can catch more of the story on This website:


All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the Above quoted Sum and I will re-profile the funds with your name, which will enable The European Finacial Institute ti move the money to their offshore office. I have decided to use this Sum to relocate to your country continent and never to be connected to any Of Mikhail Khodorkovsky conglomerates. The transaction has to be concluded in 2 weeks before Mikhail Khodorkovsky is out on bail. As soon as I confirm your readiness to conclude the transaction with me, I Will provide you with the details.Thank you very much for your understanding as i will await for your quick response.

Warmest Regards

Mr.Roland David


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