Consumer Fraud Reporting

Sample Promotion Winning Scam Email: Uk's Chariot lottery

Sample Promotion Prize Scam Email:
Uk's Chariot lottery
"Mrs Rebbeca Nyugen", "Dr Weaver"

Have you received an email from "Mrs Rebbeca Nyugen" at "Uk's Chariot lottery" saying you won their promotion or lottery promo and to contact "Dr Weaver" to collect your winnings? She even concludes with "Shinnest Blessings" (what the heck does THAT mean?)

It is a scam. And don't get too excited if the names are different; the scammers make many versions of this scam!

It is actually a very simple scam.  They claim you won a promotion, which is giving away millions of dollars based on a randomly selected email address.  The scam is obvious: it's simply preposterous to think that any company would randomly give away money to encourage you to buy their product. That would be self-defeating.

Although the most important clue is that no legitimate lottery, and almost no legitimate sweepstakes or promotions will email a winner, there are many other signs that this is a fraud. We have highlighted some of these in the email below, not the least of which are:

  • Email address ballot: There is no such thing as a "computer ballot system" or "computer email draw". No one, not even Microsoft has a database of email addresses of the type or magnitude they suggest.

  • Terrible spelling, punctuation, syntax and grammar - Scammers apparently don't know how to use spell checkers.  We assume they dropped out of school before that class. They use almost excessive and random CapItaLiZAtion. They often can't even spell "February" or know that "22th" ought to be "22nd". These scammers usually write at the 3rd grade level. Being non-native English speakers, they also often get first names and surnames (last names reversed), so you will frequently see names like "Mr. SMITH JAMES.", instead of "Mr. James Smith", along with the peculiar usage of periods (full stops) and spaces or the lack thereof.

  • Using free email account: The scammer is writing to you from a FREE email account (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.).  Don't you think a real organization would use its own email, its own domain and website? Wouldn't they want to promote that?

  • Keep Confidential - Real promotions THRIVE on publicity: that's the purpose of them! They don't want you to keep anything secret - the publicity causes people to buy their product. There is NO risk of "double claiming" because they can validate where the ticket numbers were sold. The scammer want you to keep quiet because they don't want the police or ConsumerFraudreporting to hear about them! It should read: "For our own security, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential until we have finished scamming you!"

  • What are they promoting?   No one promotes "world peace" or "use of the internet" by handing out millions to random strangers.  And if they are promoting a product or a lottery, then this must be the world's worst promotion, because no one has heard of it, outside of the email you just received. Just giving away money to random people who have an email address wouldn't promote a darn thing! It is a scam! 

  • Pay a fee to collect the prize: Nope, it is illegal for free sweepstakes and promotions to charge you ANYTHING! Of course, in a scam, that is the whole point: to get you to send money to the scammer.

It is a typical scam promotion sweepstakes winning notification. Also see these pages:

Sample scam email

Uk's Chariot lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL

We are pleased to inform you of the result of our computer random selection for UK's Chariot lottery international Game held in 30th March 2007, Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 names/email addresses of individuals and companies from Africa,America,Asia, Australia, Canada,Europe, Middle East, and New Zealand aspart of our international promotions program.

Your Email address attached to ticket number MT-CB7853627 which subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of GBP600,000 in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03.

You are advised to keep this winning very confidential until your receive your lump prize in your account. This is a protective measure to avoid double claiming by people that you may tell, you are advised to contact your fiduciary agent Name: Dr Weaver. with the following details below ,to avoid unnecessary delays and complications.

Your Personal Data Form Fill Please.

Name Of Winner:____
Marital Status:_____
Tel/fax No:___
Postal Address:____
Amount Won:___
Winning E-mail Address:___
Ticket Number________

With this information supplied by you, We will be able to create your records in our data base of winners and begin proccessing of your winning claim

Name: Dr Weaver.
Tell:+44 70457 07847
Chartered securities and finance.
Address: Camberwell-London England .
EMAIL: claimsorganisation

Please endeavor to donate not less than 10% of your winning to any internationally recognized charity homes closer to you so that a lot of the less privilege once can feel our contribution.
Individuals not interested or unable to facilitate the claims to their winnings should forward an application stating their in ability to avoid time wasting.

Shinnest Blessings ,
Mrs Rebbeca Nyugen

Names of Scam / Fake / Fraud Lottery 

Click here for the huge list of the names of the currently identified lottery scams companies

And please let us know about any suspicious calls or emails you receive.  We look for patterns so that we can alert the authorities and victims to new scams, before it is too late!

For a comprehensive list of national and international agencies to report scams, see this page.

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