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Psychic Frauds: Sara Freder - Examples of Freder's Scam Emails, Page 8

Astrology and Psychic Scams: Sara Freder - Example 8
"When you asked me to help you, I promised I would soon give you the results of my consultation. I am hurrying up to give you those precious results because those pieces of information are extremely IMPORTANT for you and your future. I hope you will take great pleasure in reading the study I have conducted for you for free. ,;"

If you are desperate to be scammed, read another one of Sara Freder's absurd babbling, moronic diatribes in a pathetic attempt to wear down her victims with verbal diarrhea. Your child could make up better stuff than the drek she's peddling.  

No less an authority than Western Australia's government has declared her a fake :, saying

" Sara Freder uses the hook of a free horoscope email to get you in, then harasses you for her paid services and can even take money out of your bank account...."

There is no doubt that Sara Freder is perpetrating spam and scams: she even has to tell her victims to add her email address since most spam filters (correctly) identify her email and spam! See this page for more detailed information about the scammer Sara Freder. Below are examples of the emails she sends out to proliferate her scams

Sara Freder Scam Email Example, just substitute "Britney Spears" for your own name:

Dear Britney Spears,

You should not remain unaware of the fact that heaven is sending you a future full of joy, happiness and money!

You must not continue to make the mistakes of the past, for example you have just missed the precious day that I predicted to you. You could have taken advantage of it, if you had wished, and I could have helped you to find the sunny path toward luck, love and money immediately.

And yet, Britney Spears, it is you, and only you who has not yet given a positive answer to my proposition!

Do not imagine Britney Spears that I blame you for this, on the contrary ! I would rather share with you all the good things of life that are within reach and that you have refused to grasp, since I revealed them to you!

The stars are burning so bright for you, that I think it would be unforgivable to miss such a Chance!

My strongest wish is for you to overcome your problems, to lead the happy and wealthy life that you have been waiting for and, thoroughly deserve!

Time is running out fast, and if I sincerely get worried about you, Britney Spears, it is because this kind of beneficial occasion only appears every 15 to 20 years!

Your birth chart is already a little less favourable, than in the last mail but it is still outstanding. That's why I am sorry to see you letting waste away, all the chances that exist in such a favourable time, and to see you missing out on so much joy!

There are no limits to what you can achieve!

Your potential in terms of luck is almost intact, but be realistic, you must act fast if you don't want your series of failures to get any worse. As I have already explained, the longer we wait, the harder it becomes to get out of the negative circle in which you are kept prisoner all due to bad luck.

This is your sole chance, with my help, to see your psycho-magnetic balance fully recover. You cannot refuse any longer this opportunity to overcome your problems and your destiny.

And to begin a new life, full of Luck, Happiness and money and to be free from the daily worries in your life!

You must understand that I am very keen, at this moment in time, for you to escape from the spiralling negativity which surrounds and consumes you, because your case is absolutely unique, and also because it is time for you to leave the losing side and to become a winner! I am all yours, to be of assistance to you, so that we can fulfil your dreams.

Accept your Great, Confidential, and Secret Clairvoyance Study, and for FREE my Especialy Magnetized Magical Picture to bring you STRENGTH, COURAGE, OPTIMISM and PROTECTION.

For me, Britney Spears, your case is a priority. Order today your comprehensive Astral Clairvoyance Study. There is no need for concern, this page is secured.

Remember that right now, all the signs are there to indicate that you are able if you wish, to enjoy each minute of your life. Your problem is very specific, I am going to give you a couple of PRESENTS (a double gift) which will mean your first step towards Luck: I will undertake, and reveal to you, a substantial Confidential and Secret Clairvoyance Study and I will send you my specially magnetised Magical Picture to bring you STRENGTH, COURAGE, OPTIMISM and PROTECTION.

Those the great Secret Clairvoyance Study concerning your luck and my Especily Magnetised Picture would only cost us$78 instead of us$238.

In other words, this is a gift of us$160, which will be just the beginning of many other gifts, if you can simply take the decisive step towards happiness.

On top of all of this, my MAGICAL PICTURE will be magnetised just for you. Don't let anybody borrow it, in which case it would completely lose its power. Keep it with you at all times, wherever you go, and you will begin to notice the positive changes!

If you desire my Especily Magnetised Magical Picture, don't forget to tell me in the frame dedicated to your problem.

As I have already explained to you in the first clairvoyance great positive changes are on the verge of happening for you, Britney Spears, but you must act now to do whatever is necessary, in order to take full advantage of such positive changes ! I confirm that the coming days will be very decisive for you! It will be your lucky day if you do accept my VALUABLE GIFT!

As you know, my life is completely dedicated to bringing happiness, and you also know that the Stars told me of positive changes that will happen for you.

That is why you must take action, in order to immediately take advantage of such changes!

Yes, Britney Spears, you can be assured that your ability to solve your problems will grow! Indeed you belong to an astral configuration whose beneficial phase is approaching fast!

And that's why YOU NEED MY FAST AND EFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE to take advantage of it!

You won't be able to grasp these fabulous chances if you are left to do everything by yourself. I know, as much as you know, that you are in a vicious circle of negativity, but I also know that you will be able to escape from the spiralling failures, if you act RIGHT NOW!

And I can assure you that heaven is with us.

I am going to help you, thanks to my occult powers, and I promise to make your great SECRET STUDY for COMPREHENSIVE and CONFIDENTIAL ASTRAL CLAIRVOYANCE!

The revelations in my clairvoyance will give you the chance to learn things about yourself that you don't know before, and which will be the key to your success!

You will learn about what exactly is beneficial for you in the near future. You will be given the true opportunities that you deserve.

You will be given all the means neccesary so that you don't miss any of these chances!

I have just given you a quick overview of all that I will reveal to you by my Secret Astral Clairvoyance. I will also predict for you information concerning your feelings (including the most delicate or urgent), all about your well-being and the ways in which to preserve your well-being, all about your professional success, your 7 Lucky Numbers in all areas of your life: bets, Love, business!

Let me tell you once more of how you will meet with fabulous chances in the coming weeks, if you listen to me. I would like to explain to you that you must quickly leave the disastrous negative circle which blocks your life and prevents you from finding the path to happiness. I want to guide you towards these new stages of your life to show you how to grasp all the good things that destiny has sent you, but which opposite forces have kept away from you for so long. I have already told, that your situation seems alarming. However, you also know that the stars will soon brightly shine for you thanks to my fast and effective assistance.

You also know that my friendship and devotion will help you to forget your difficulties, your disappointments and the breakdowns that have blocked your way and have prevented you from living your life.

I am repeating the fact that I can help you by guiding you towards Success, and true Oppotunity and also, eventually, you will be able to say FAREWELL to negative fate, and HELLO to money, HELLO to the joy of life, HELLO to Luck and HELLO to Happiness!

I can confirm to you that I have already begun a medium occult action to achieve all of this!

DON'T WAIT until it is too late to accept my offer!

I already feel remorse. I forgot to tell you that I experienced a strange feeling. I must explain to you that you have just let an important day pass you by, without making any effort to catch the chances before your eyes.

I know that you may still hesitate to grasp my hand, because the hill is steep and makes you feel like stopping...

But if your concern is a problem of money, do not hesitate. I will accept payment by instalments. Give me your answer as soon as possible. It is very important for you to make this effort, for it will force you to attach importance to the work that we will undertake together.

You must understand that our victory is built on a common and reciprocal faith. And to show you how I am confident, I propose to collect your money on the date that you give me, I give you my word!

If you still hesitate, it is because your psychological magnetism is still shattered by the recent events and does not allow you to take this major decision.

However, I have already undertaken a lot of work for you, you must vaguely feel it, and my Especily Magnetised Magical Picture will strenghten your lost magnetism. All you will have to do during the difficult times is to take it in your hands, to concentrate, and let it do it's work.

But you must be aware that it is important to maintain your intact magnetism!

If your concern is over more important issues, I can see them too and I advise you to forget them. You won't be risking anything since things are going to change for you for the better!

It would be stupid to not insist, because I do truely want you to take advantage of all the good things that your future reserves for you.

Don't wait until it is too late.

Fill in the form as quickly as possible because, for the time being all signs indicate that you are going to enjoy each minute of your life. My first present will be your first step towards Luck.

Accept your Great, Confidential, and Secret Clairvoyance Study, and my Especialy Magnetized Magical Picture to bring you STRENGTH, COURAGE, OPTIMISM and PROTECTION.

Those the Great Secret Clairvoyance of Luck and my Especialy Magnetized Magical Picture will only cost you us$78 instead of us$238.

In other words, you gain us$160, which will be followed by a lot more reductions if you are prepared to take the decisive step towards happiness. On top of this, my MAGICAL PICTURE will be magnetized only for you. Don't let anybody borrow it, as this could result in it completely losing it's power. Keep it with you at all times, wherever you go and begin to notice the positive changes!

If you desire my Especialy Magnetized Magical Picture, don't forget to let me know, in the frame dedicated to your problems.

I have decided in my turn to offer you these three fabulous beneficial gifts.

Your first gift is your 7 lucky numbers as a present,

Your second gift is a special discount which I already deducted off of my fees,

Your third priceless gift is my Sacred Pentacle of the Unicorn which I grant to you so that you get rapidly the complete accomplishment of your most intimate and most secret desires.

The Unicorn, the marvellous Beast, a magical symbol of the Invincible Might, brings immediately the highest protection for the absolute conviction of happy morrows (High protection.)

The Sacred Pentacle of the Unicorn is really your indispensable partner on the way to Luck, Love and MONEY.

For I can from now on confirm and corroborate that my clairvoyance about you is categorical, your luck is only at a beginning and I see for you many other CHANCES of receipts of money in your life along the next 12 months!

THREE EXTRA CHANCES at least ready to interfere in your future!

When I got in touch with you some time ago, I was just starting for you a research on your CHANCES, but I had not yet at my disposal all the necessary rudiments.

It is fortunately different today, your CHANCES are corroborated, and I can even confirm certain points.

    The first point I can confirm is that the first amount which I see you win could approach 50,000 (my mail was clear about a number of zeroes!)

    The second point which I can confirm as well, is that you could meet this good fortune as soon as on the next 13th, a very close date as you can see!

    The third and last point I can confirm is that this sum will not be the last one which you are due to receive, as I see for you a second winning on the next month toward the 17th, somewhat less important than the first one, and then a third winning (this time more important) toward the 3rd of the following month, i.e. within hardly 3 months from now on.

But a lot of other occurrences are still to come to you in the course of these next months and in many other fields, I'll tell you more about it later on.

Complete as soon as possible the SPECIAL OFFER, the Help Form for a Wonderful Life,

You must tell me only that you want to receive my Magical Picture in the frame, dedicated to your problem.

You must remember now, that all the luck is on your side so you that you will be able to fully enjoy every minute of your life.



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78513 Rambouillet Cedex FRANCE

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