Committee on Standards (COS) Conduct Sanctions

Affected Parties

All Students

Policy Statement

The Committee on Standards has affirmed that serious acts of violence cause significant harm to members of the Dartmouth Community and also compromise the integrity of the educational experience. The Committee further affirmed that sexual misconduct, physical violence, and serious drug policy violations are sufficient grounds for the imposition of sanctions up to and including separation.

Examples of conduct that have led to suspension, and in some instances separation from the College, include arson, bomb threats, driving under the influence, sexual assault, other forms of physical assault, and drug dealing. The Committee sees each of these acts as constituting significant harm or threat of significant harm. Students should also expect to be suspended from the College for violations of the College's Academic Honor Principle – here the harm is to the educational mission of the College, to the learning of the individual(s) involved, to other students over whom an advantage was sought, and/or to the original author, scientist, or author whose work has been appropriated.

Student Misconduct Records and Reporting

College conduct sanctions are noted in the student's record. This record is maintained by the Undergraduate Dean's Office and may be viewed by a student in accordance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Suspensions are noted on the student's transcript during the period of suspension. Separations become a permanent transcript notation.

Dartmouth disciplinary records are not accessible without authorization. If a current or former Dartmouth student formally authorizes another institution, external agency or prospective employer to inquire whether the student was subject to discipline at Dartmouth, the College will respond but will not ordinarily report sanctions below the level of suspension. In some cases, however, an institution, agency or prospective employer may receive a current or former student's authorization to inquire more broadly or more specifically regarding information contained in a student's record. When Dartmouth receives such a request with the current or former student's release, the College may report sanctions below the suspension level.

Consideration of Prior Record

In all Academic Honor Principle and Standards of Conduct cases, if a student is found responsible, the student's conduct history may be considered for purposes of imposing an appropriate sanction. Additionally, the COS or the hearing officer, in imposing a sanction, may consider sanctions imposed in other cases at the College. Where the COS recommends a sanction, the Chair shall have discretion to determine the appropriate form and manner of presentation of information to the COS concerning both the individual student's record and the disposition of other behavior cases that may be helpful in formulating a sanction recommendation.

Fines, Restitution, and Educational Requirements

Fines of up to $100 may be levied by the hearing officer or the COS. Such penalties will be in addition to the costs of restitution deemed appropriate. The hearing officer or the COS may also impose educational or other requirements in place of or in addition to fines. Fines are noted in the student's record but are not reflected in the student's transcript. Failure to pay fines, make restitution, or fulfill other obligations may prevent registration and graduation, and may provoke more serious penalties.


A Warning is a written notice that a student has been found in violation of the Community Standards of Conduct. The student is advised to review the applicable College policies and to exercise better judgment. The letter is shared with the student's Undergraduate Dean but is not recorded on the transcript. Warnings may be considered in any future disciplinary proceedings.

College Reprimand

A Reprimand is a written notice to a student for a second or more serious violation of the Community Standards of Conduct. Like a warning, the letter is shared with the student's Undergraduate Dean but is not recorded on the transcript. A Reprimand may be considered in any future disciplinary proceedings.

College Probation

College Probation is imposed for repeated misconduct, incidents that involve multiple violations, or other violations that are considered serious misconduct but that do not warrant suspension. College probation may be imposed either with or without restrictions for a period up to the duration of the student's undergraduate career. Notification of probation will be sent to parents/guardians unless a student has been designated as Independent by the College. A period of College Probation is not recorded on the transcript, but may limit a student's opportunities as determined by that program or office (i.e. status as an approved driver, employment as an undergraduate advisor or tour guide, participation in an Off-Campus Program, etc.). The College would not ordinarily disclose a period of probation to an outside person or institution, but students are advised that graduate and professional schools may request self-disclosure of conduct at this level. Probation may be considered in any future disciplinary proceedings. Students on probation at the time of another incident will likely face suspension-level charges.

Restrictions associated with College probation may include, but are not limited to, making restitution for damage caused; prohibition from owning, operating, or maintaining a motor vehicle on campus; prevention of participation in intercollegiate athletics or performances of College-associated organizations; ineligibility for participation in designated College-sponsored programs; ineligibility for service as an officer in student organizations or on College committees; and/or other appropriate actions.

Deferred Suspension

Deferred suspension is a one-term suspension imposed in situations where conduct violations are otherwise serious enough to warrant suspension, but where the specific circumstances of the case indicate, in the sole judgment of the decision-maker on sanctions, that the imposition of suspension would be disproportionate to the circumstances. Such circumstances include but are not limited to, mitigating factors introduced at the hearing that the decision-maker finds sufficient to warrant a deferral of the imposition of the sanction, or where a proposed suspension follows a series of Standard of Conduct violations of a less serious nature. If the student is found responsible for violating any additional Standard of Conduct following the imposition of a sanction of Deferred Suspension, the one-term suspension will be applied in addition to any sanctions for the subsequent violation(s).

Conditions may be imposed during a Deferred Suspension and may include, but are not limited to, making restitution for damage caused; prohibition from owning, operating, or maintaining a motor vehicle on campus; prevention of participation in intercollegiate athletics or performances of College-associated organizations; ineligibility for participation in designated College-sponsored programs; ineligibility for service as an officer or in a leadership role in student organizations, on College committees or on athletics teams; and/or other appropriate actions. Failure to satisfactorily and timely discharge said conditions may result in the immediate end of the deferral and the imposition of the suspension.


A student may be suspended for misconduct found to be sufficiently serious to warrant removal from the College community for a specified number of terms. Notification of allegations and outcomes at this level will be sent to parents/guardians unless a student has been designated as Independent by the College.

Students suspended from the College are expected to leave campus within 48 hours; however, they can seek permission from their Undergraduate Dean to remain on campus for a longer period of time. Such permission has been granted to make travel arrangements or during the request for review process. The COS or Sanctioning Panel reserves the right to require students leave campus immediately even if a request for review is pending.

Students are encouraged to return home or otherwise leave Hanover and the surrounding area during the period of suspension. Students who are suspended are not allowed to visit campus without permission from the Undergraduate Deans' Office. Requests to return to campus prior to the eligibility date specified in an outcome letter will not be entertained.

The hearing officer or the COS may impose requirements in connection with suspension, such as participation in a medical assessment and any recommended treatment, paying restitution for damages caused, or restrictions on campus housing. Suspended students may not participate in College academic or extracurricular activities; may not remain in College or coed, fraternity, sorority housing; and may not progress toward completion of their Dartmouth degrees by taking courses at other institutions while suspended.

Suspension is permanently recorded in the student's record as maintained by the Undergraduate Deans' Office. A suspension is also recorded on the student's transcript for the period of suspension. Students who have been suspended must answer any question as to whether they have been subject to disciplinary action at Dartmouth in the affirmative. College verification of student records in connection with law school, graduate school, employment and other applications will include reports of suspensions imposed. Suspensions will be considered in any proceedings resulting from further violations of the Standards of Conduct.

Permission to return to Dartmouth following suspension is not automatic, and must be by application to the Undergraduate Deans' Office. At the conclusion of the term(s) of suspension and completion of any conditions of the sanction, students who choose not to apply to return can request a change in College status from suspended to withdrawn or resigned by contacting their undergraduate dean.


Separation is permanent removal (i.e. expulsion) from the College community. A student will be separated for extremely serious misconduct or for serious misconduct subsequent to suspension. The student must leave campus housing within 48 hours of notification of separation. Separation is recorded in the student's Undergraduate Deans' Office record and on the student's transcript as 'Separated - Ineligible to re-enroll.' Notice of the separation will be sent to the parents/guardians unless a student has been designated as Independent by the College. Access to the student's Dartmouth email address will be terminated when the request for review process has been closed.

Special Action

The hearing officer or COS may take other action appropriate to particular circumstances not covered in the preceding list. Some examples of these actions may include, but are not limited to, making restitution for damage caused; prohibition from owning, operating, or maintaining a motor vehicle on campus; prevention of participation in intercollegiate or club athletics or performances of College-associated organizations; ineligibility for participation in designated College-sponsored programs; ineligibility for service as an officer in student organizations or membership on College committees; limitations on contact with other community members; limits on access to campus facilities and grounds; and/or other appropriate actions. Any College sanction can include educational requirements and/or counseling assessments that the hearing officer or the COS feels are appropriate to the situation. A student may be required to meet with campus resources upon returning from suspension. Restrictions may also include temporary or permanent removal from College affiliated housing or reassignment within available housing.

Effective Date

January 1, 2016

Last Revised Date

September 27, 2021

Office of Primary Responsibility

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