Kathryn J. Lively

| Professor
Academic Appointments

Professor of Sociology

I am a Professor (and Past Chair, 2011-15) in the Sociology Department. My teaching and research interests are at the nexus of identity, emotion, and culture. As a result, I teach introductory courses in sociological social psychology, emotion, and culture. I am currently involved in two long-term research projects. The first seeks to identify the social psychological and cultural mechanisms that underly significant and sustainable weight loss. The second marries two theories - one from sociological social psychology and the other from psychiatry - to explain how past trauma is able to reframed in ways that support emotional healing and identity transfomation, even among those with complex trauma. I have served on the editorial boards of Journal of Health and Social Behavior and Social Psychology Quarterly  and as action editor for Emotion Review . My scholarly work has appeared in such outlets as American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Social Psychology Quarterly, Emotion Review, Work & Occupations, and Symbolic Interaction , among others. I served as the inaugural house professor for South House  (2015-19) and Dean of the College from 2018-2021.


Blunt Alum Ctr, Room 306C
HB 6104


  • A.A. Tulsa Community College
  • B.A. University of Tulsa
  • M.A. Vanderbilt University
  • Ph.D. Vanderbilt University
  • Post Doctoral Fellow Indiana University - Bloomington

Selected Publications

  • Linda E. Francis, Kathryn J. Lively, Alexandra Konig & Jesse Hoey. 2020. "The Affective Self: Persistence of Self-Sentiments in Late Life Dementia."  Social Psychology Quarterly.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0190272519883910

  • Matthews, Morgan C. and Kathryn J. Lively. 2017. "Making Volunteer-Based Democracy 'Work': Gendered Coping Strategies in a Citizen Legislature." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.  http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2378023117705535

  • McLeod, Jane D, Timothy Hallett, and Kathryn J. Lively. 2015. "Beyond Three Faces: Toward an Integrated Social Psychology of Inequality."  Advances in Group Processses,  32: 1-29.

  • Lively, Kathryn J. and David R. Heise. 2014. "Emotion in Affect Control Theory." In The Handbook of the Sociology of Emotion , Volume II, edited by J.E. Stets and J.H. Turner. New York: Springer.

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Works In Progress

  • Kathryn J. Lively. "Affective Sentiment Change in an Online Weightloss Community."

  • Kathryn J. Lively. Reframing Trauma One Event At a Time: The Social Psychological Underpinings of Internal Family Systems Therapy.

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