2022 Geisel Earth Day Celebration

Introducing Geisel’s FIRST EVER Earth Day Celebration on Friday, April 22nd from 1-4pm at the Dartmouth Organic Farm, hosted by Medical Students for a Sustainable Future. There will be food, a campfire, yoga, meditation, service opportunities, and speakers including Emergency Physician Dr. Sarah Crockett and Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist Dr. Bob McLellan. Learn about the important intersections of climate change and health, and celebrate the Earth with fellow medical students, Dartmouth-Hitchcock faculty, TDI students, Dartmouth undergrads, and other community members. RSVP below with the following link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4da9a728a4fec25-geisel

There will be one shuttle running continuous loops approximately every 35 minutes beginning at 1pm between Geisel and the O-Farm, with pick-up at the Advanced Transit Bus Station in front of Anonymous Hall/Geisel Medical School. If you’d prefer to drive, PLEASE CARPOOL as parking space is limited at the O-Farm.

Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty for garden bed preparation and seed bombing.

Hanover Adventure Tours will also be showcasing 4 electric bikes and one e-scooter for test rides at the event!

Smoothies and vegetables will be available for some healthy snacking around a campfire, along with yoga, meditation, and campfire tunes. RSVP is not required for attendance, but greatly helps in planning and can be done at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4da9a728a4fec25-geisel

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