Sherry Wu

Hometown:Beijing, China

Undergraduate institution:Chongqing University

Undergraduate major:Economics

Graduate Study - Institution:Biostatistics - New York University

My research interests are:My research passions revolve around the dynamic intersection of survival analysis, causal inference, and machine learning. I'm particularly interested in crafting statistical and computational methods to navigate the intricacies of the emerging domains such as social networks, time-varying coefficient models, and cause-specific hazard models integrating machine learning techniques and Bayesian approaches. Moreover, I'm eagerly looking forward to exploring my interests in single cell analysis and cancer genomics within the broader context of bioinformatics.

Career track:Both Industry and Academia

My career goals are:I would like to pursue a career as an independent researcher and biostatistician and eventually shape my vision to contribute to the advancement of statistical methods through collaborative interdisciplinary research and strive for transformative impact on informing the promotion of health equity by bridging the theory-practice arch.

I have technical expertise in:R, Stata, Python, SQL and high performance computing

I chose QBS because:I am looking forward to embarking on the next phase of study at the Dartmouth College, which provides rigorous interdisciplinary training that dovetails perfectly with my research interests. I am thrilled to join the collaborative community where multifaceted perspectives are inspired by interdepartmental research opportunities and a tight knit is formed with my peers as a small cohort at QBS.

Recreational Interests:I love exploring the great outdoors through jogging and hiking and enjoy indulging in musicals, operas and movies as well!

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