Event box

5:00pm - 8:00pm
Book Arts Room 21
Baker-Berry Library
Baker-Berry Library, Book Arts Workshop, Bookbinding

This one-session class is an orientation session for all newcomers to learn the basics of typesetting and press work. The session will begin with a brief discussion of the history and process of Letterpress Printing. After a tour of the workshop participants will learn to set type and print on a Vandercook cylinder press.  Be sure to bring a proverb, brief quotation, or even a bit of writing made up on the spot to set your type to and print.  Emphasis will be placed on the proper techniques for setting metal hand type, press work, and the selection of appropriate type faces. No previous experience is required and all materials, tools and equipment are provided. We’ll be getting inky, so don’t wear your good clothes.

Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Sarah Parella
Sarah Parella

Sarah Marcella Parella is Dartmouth's Book Arts Workshop Program Manager.

About the Book Arts Workshop

Discover the Book Arts Workshop, a vibrant and unique part of the Dartmouth campus offering students, faculty, and community members the opportunity to explore the arts of bookbinding, printing, and typography.

Join the Dartmouth Book Arts Listserv and get weekly reminders for when our Open Studio sessions, classes and special events are happening.

The Book Arts Workshop Instructors are: Sarah Marcella Parella, Maggie Minor, Deborah Howe, Won Chung and Emma Percy.

Learn More About the Library Book Arts Workshop