Adair Mulligan

Adair MulliganAdair Mulligan is Executive Director of the Hanover Conservancy. Previously, she served for 19 years as Conservation Director of the Connecticut River Joint Commissions and as a loon biologist and Education Director for NH Audubon. Adair holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Biology from Smith College.

Exploring Hanover's Conserved Lands (Fall Term 2022)

Participant Testimonials:

The pace both in learning and walking was terrific. Well done managing different levels of physical ability.

Both Adair and Gail are a wealth of knowledge about the natural world. This course explored the forest trails supervised by the Conservancy. Great hiking and information of trails new to me in this area.

Exploring Hanover's Conserved Lands (Spring Term 2021)

Participant Testimonials:

Study leaders managed class very well. Plenty of opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

Both the zoom and hiking aspects of the job were top notch.

Exploring Hanover’s Conserved Lands (Fall Term 2020)

Participant Testimonials: 

Nice to have such an important part of the community involved with environmental issues emphasized. Great for sharing the goal of land preservation for a local community.

A wonderful course for the Fall (or Spring). Gail generously provided make up days for the two that got rained out. Adair is so knowledgeable about the outdoors and the conservation process. And it was FUN!

(Fall Term '24)

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