I need to report a problem

Using the Service Catalog or searching services is the most efficient way to find the right help.

If you have not been able to find the service related to the problem you're experiencing, please click the Report a Problembutton to request help. Information, Technology and Consulting staff may need to follow up with you for additional information.

For immediate assistance, please call us at 603-646-2999.

If you are not able to log in to report a problem or are experiencing a problem accessing your Dartmouth account, please call us at 603-646-2999.

Available to:

  • Dartmouth faculty, staff and students

If you need help from Geisel, Thayer, or Tuck, please use the following:

If you need help and you are an Alum, please use the following:

Report a Problem


Service ID: 40105
Thu 10/24/19 12:44 PM
Wed 12/14/22 8:50 AM