Staff Meeting 10/27/13

GlobeMed Meeting Minutes for 10/27/13


◦ Lisa Carson is the new Grow Trip Coordinator (trip to Thailand to reach out to KWAT)

◦ It will be an 8 week internship in the summer

◦ A group of 3-4 people will be chosen and the application will be sent out tonight

◦ Interviews will be held during Nov 14th on November 25th

▪ Estimated maximum total cost is about $3,000 per person to cover for airfare, housing, and meals

▪ More funding sources are available through Dickey/Tucker/selling puppy chow in the spring, etc.

◦ Make sure that you will be on in the Spring Term!

2. ghU

◦ Ali talked about current events: Polio suspected to have returned to Syria

◦ Mental Health and Global Health was today’s topic

◦ Major Mental Health Diseases

◦ Had a guest speaker: Dr. Robert Santulli – in department of psychiatry, director


▪ Depression

▪ Autism

▪ Epilepsy

▪ Schizophrenia

▪ Spoke about the stigma behind mental illness

– we discussed in small groups about why gender disparity exist and why women are discriminated against more/ why are women’s health and wellbeing so important to reducing poverty?

– Kristina and Harrison talked about their experience with the women at KWAT at Thailand on the Grow Trip this summer

– Irene talked about Issues that Women face in Developing Nations

o Early marriage

o Watched a Ted Talk by Melinda Gates on why it’s important to put birth

control back on the agenda

-Kachi talked about the Female Genital Mutilation

-Human Trafficking was also a topic that was addressed