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Works by Arthur B. Evans in Modern Literature


New Scholarship on Early SF in France and Québec. [Review of C'était demain: anticiper la science-fiction en France et au Québec (1880-1950) [It Was Tomorrow: Anticipating Science Fiction in France and Quebec, 1880-1950] , eds. Natacha Vas-Deyres, Patrick Bergeron, and Patrick Guay. Bordeaux, France: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, 2018] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Surrealism and Science Fiction , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Review of Jules Verne: Journeys in Writing , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


The "New" Jules Verne , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Notable Book of SF Criticism in France. [Review of Les Univers de la Science-Fiction: Essais , ed. Stéphane Nicot, Galaxies, 1998] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Trans. of Jean Baudrillard's "Two Essays" , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Trans. of Roger Bozzetto's article "Kepler's Somnium, or Science Fiction's Missing Link" , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


A New SF Bibliography from Québec. [Review of Norbert Spehner's Écrits sur la science-fiction . Editions Préamble, 1988] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


A "Stepping Stone" Study of Early SF. [Review of Paul K. Alkon's Science Fiction Before 1900 , Twayne, 1994] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Notable Book of SF Criticism in France. [Review of Les Univers de la Science-Fiction: Essais , ed. Stéphane Nicot, Galaxies, 1998] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


A Dream Collection for Wealthy Utopians. [Review of Modern British Utopias, 1700-1850 , ed. Gregory Claeys, Pickering & Chatto, 1997] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Superb Jules Verne Translations. [Review of Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth , trans. William Butcher, Oxford UP, 1992, and Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days , trans. William Butcher, Oxford UP, 1995] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans

From Gothic to Horror. [Review of Roger Bozzetto's Territoires des Fantastiques , Provence UP, 1998] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans

The New "Improved" Anatomy. [Review of Anatomy of Wonder 4 , ed. Neil Barron, R.R. Bowker, 1995] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Rejuvenating the Old Storyteller. [Review of Jules Verne's Amazing Journeys: Five Visionary Classics, trans. and ed. Frederick Paul Walter, SUNY Press, 2010] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Searching for Gems in Future History. [Review of Histories of the Future: Studies in Fact, Fantasy and Science Fiction , ed. Alan Sandison and Robert Dingley, Palgrave, 2000] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


A Sociological Study of Postwar SF in France. [Review of Jean-Marc Gouanvic's Sociologie de la traduction , Artois Presses, 1999] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Literature of the Scientific Imagination. [Review of Daniel Fondanèche's La Littérature d'imagination scientifique, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


A Jules Verne Fairy Tale. [Review of Jules Verne's Adventures of the Rat Family , trans. Evelyn Copeland, ed. Iona Opie and Brian Taves, Oxford UP, 1993] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans

The Story of Jules Verne--the Anglo-American One. [Review of Brian Taves and Stephen Michaluk's The Jules Verne Encyclopedia , Scarecrow Press, 1996] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans

New and Recycled Translations of Jules Verne. [Review of Jules Verne's The Floating Island , Kegan Paul, 1991, and Jule Verne's The Complete Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea , ed. Emanuel J. Mickel, Indiana UP, 1992] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans

French Science Fiction , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Protesting Too Much: The Jules and Michel Verne Controversy. [Review of Jules Verne's, The Golden Volcano. Trans. and ed. Edward Baxter. Preface by Olivier Dumas. U of Nebraska P, 2008] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Review of Jules Verne: Journeys in Writing , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Centennial Scholarship on Jules Verne. [Review of over two dozen recent books by/about Jules Verne, published in honor of his centenary] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Centennial Scholarship on Jules Verne. [Review of over two dozen recent books by/about Jules Verne, published in honor of his centenary] , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Albert Robida , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Two New Studies from France. [Review of La Belgique: un jeu de cartes? De Rosny aîné à Jacques Brel , ed. Arnaud Huftier, Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2003, and Roger Bozzetto and Arnaud Huftier's Les Frontières du fantastique , Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, 2004] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Verne on Stage. [Review of Jules Verne's Journey Through the Impossible , trans. Edward Baxter, ed. Jean-Michel Margot, Prometheus, 2003 , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Revisiting Mercier's L'An 2440 . [Review of Riikka Forsström's Possible Worlds: The Idea of Happiness in the Utopian Vision of Louis-Sébastien Mercier , Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden, 2002] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Searching for Gems in Future History. [Review of Histories of the Future: Studies in Fact, Fantasy and Science Fiction , ed. Alan Sandison and Robert Dingley, Palgrave, 2000] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



A Sociological Study of Postwar SF in France. [Review of Jean-Marc Gouanvic's Sociologie de la traduction , Artois Presses, 1999] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Charting the Unknown Worlds of French SF and Fantastique. [Review of Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier's French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Pulp Fiction: A Guide to the Cinema, Television, Radio, Animation, Comic Books, and Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present , McFarland, 2000] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Hetzel and Verne: Collaboration and Conflict. [Review of Olivier Dumas, Piero Gondolo della Riva, Volker Dehs, eds. Correspondance inédite de Jules Verne et de Pierre-Jules Hetzel (1863-1886) . Slatkine, 1999] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



A Dream Collection for Wealthy Utopians. [Review of Modern British Utopias, 1700-1850 , ed. Gregory Claeys, Pickering & Chatto, 1997] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Interviews with Jules Verne. [Review of Entretiens avec Jules Verne, 1873-1905, ed. Daniel Compère and Jean-Michel Margot, Slatkine, 1998] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


The Origins of Science Fiction Criticism: From Kepler to Wells , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


From Gothic to Horror. [Review of Roger Bozzetto's Territoires des Fantastiques , Provence UP, 1998] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Notable Book of SF Criticism in France. [Review of Les Univers de la Science-Fiction: Essais , ed. Stéphane Nicot, Galaxies, 1998] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



The Story of Jules Verne--the Anglo-American One. [Review of Brian Taves and Stephen Michaluk's The Jules Verne Encyclopedia , Scarecrow Press, 1996] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



The New "Improved" Anatomy. [Review of Anatomy of Wonder 4 , ed. Neil Barron, R.R. Bowker, 1995] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Superb Jules Verne Translations. [Review of Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth , trans. William Butcher, Oxford UP, 1992, and Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days , trans. William Butcher, Oxford UP, 1995] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


The "New" Jules Verne , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



A "Stepping Stone" Study of Early SF. [Review of Paul K. Alkon's Science Fiction Before 1900 , Twayne, 1994] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Translation of Maurice Renard's article "On the Scientific-Marvellous Novel" , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Anthology of Criticism on "Genre" Authors. [Review of Modern Mystery, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Writers, ed. Bruce Cassiday, Continuum, 1993] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


A Jules Verne Fairy Tale. [Review of Jules Verne's Adventures of the Rat Family , trans. Evelyn Copeland, ed. Iona Opie and Brian Taves, Oxford UP, 1993] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


The Fantastic Science Fiction of Maurice Renard , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Optograms and Fiction: Photo in a Dead Man's Eye , Arthur B. Evans
Arthur Bruce Evans


Two Volumes of "Fantastic" Essays. [Review of Celebration of the Fantastic , ed. Donald E. Morse et al., and State of the Fantastic , ed. Nicholas Ruddick, Greenwood Press, 1992] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Trans. of Hélène Colas-Charpentier's article "Four Québécois Dystopias" , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



A New SF Study from France. [Review of Roger Bozzetto's L'Obscur objet d'un savoir , Provence UP, 1992] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


New and Recycled Translations of Jules Verne. [Review of Jules Verne's The Floating Island , Kegan Paul, 1991, and Jule Verne's The Complete Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea , ed. Emanuel J. Mickel, Indiana UP, 1992] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Two New British Studies on Jules Verne. [Review of William Butcher's Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Self , Macmillan, 1991, and Andrew Martin's The Mask of the Prophet: The Extraordinary Fictions of Jules Verne , Oxford UP, 1991] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Petunias in the Crabgrass. [Review of Contours of the Fantastic , ed. Michele K. Langford, and The Shape of the Fantastic , ed. Olena H. Sacuik. Greenwood Press, 1990] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Nouvelle Anthologie of Old Science Fiction. [Review of La Science-fiction avant la SF , ed. Monique Lebailly. Ed. de l'Instant, 1989] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Trans. of Jean Baudrillard's "Two Essays" , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Trans. of Roger Bozzetto's article "Kepler's Somnium, or Science Fiction's Missing Link" , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Trans. of Roger Bozzetto's article "Intercultural Interplay: SF in France and the US" , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


French Science Fiction , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Science Fiction in France: A Brief History and Selective Bibliography , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


A New SF Bibliography from Québec. [Review of Norbert Spehner's Écrits sur la science-fiction . Editions Préamble, 1988] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


Futures of the Past. [Review of Paul K. Alkon's Origins of Futuristic Fiction . Georgia UP, 1987] , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications



Science Fiction vs. Scientific Fiction in France: From Jules Verne to Rosny Aîné , Arthur B. Evans
Global Language Studies Faculty publications


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