If you work with a youth who is between the ages of 18 and 21 and needs independent housing after being in foster care, they CANNOT apply for the Transitional Housing Plus Program. AB12 legislation allows foster youth to remain in foster care as non-minor dependents until their 21st birthday.

This youth may be eligible for Transitional Housing Plus Foster Care, which is a housing service for non-minor dependents aged 16 – 21 years. Our Transitional Housing Plus Program is for emancipated foster youth ages 21 – 25 years. Emerging adults should speak with their Protective Services Worker.


Assistant Program Manager
Hope Ivory(415) 725-0765

What is this program?

Edgewood’s Transitional Housing Plus Program (THP+) helps San Francisco’s most vulnerable youth successfully transition out of foster care and into adulthood. Our goal is to help youth in foster or kinship care develop social supports and independent living skills to succeed. It takes extra guidance, encouragement, and support for youth with trauma to recognize the opportunities available to them. Edgewood teaches these skills so youth can thrive after program graduation.

What Services do you offer?

The Transitional Housing Plus Program (THP+) provides the following services:

    • Intensive case management
    • Job readiness training
    • Monthly skills-building workshops
    • Access to internships and work experiences
    • Referrals to GED and vocational skills training programs
    • Job placement/retention services.

In addition, the program helps youth secure sustainable housing. Nearly all of our youth are affected by complex trauma. To treat these needs we use a multifaceted approach to help clients achieve independence, stability, and wellness within the context of their family, community, and culture. Our services include comprehensive mental health treatment, educational and vocational support, case coordination, skills training, mental health assessments, and 24/7 crisis support.

With guidance from staff, participants enroll in school or obtain employment within their first six months. Youth graduate from the program within two years, though staff continue to support participants enrolled in postsecondary education or employed for up to a year.

Who is this for?

This program is for youth in the foster or kinship care systems approaching adulthood but lacking the skills to succeed. Youth must reside in San Francisco or San Mateo counties.