EU Adopts strong Resolution against Eritrea Tyrant, protests dubious Dev. Fund

10 March 2016

European Parliament, Strasbourg, France--As was clear during the debate regarding casus  Eritrea yesterday, today, the MEP nearly unanimously adopted a strong resolution (2016/2568(RSP)) against Eritrea tyrant, and protested the planned, dubious EU Eritrea Development Fund in no uncertain terms.

The EP "
Believes that the EDF Committee should have taken into consideration the Committee on Development's recommendations not to adopt the NIP and to engage in further discussion; considers that the decision to adopt the NIP for Eritrea despite Parliament's opposition demonstrates a democratic deficit and severely undermines Parliament's role in ensuring the effective implementation of EU development objectives; calls, in this connection, for Parliament to be given powers of scrutiny over the EDF through a binding interinstitutional agreement under Article 295 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union " said the Resolution, inter alia.
This how the
Green Party  Group of the EU put it on their website:

Below a video clip of Live Voting as it happened today and the text of the Resolution:

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