High Holy Days Audio Guide

Rosh Hashanah 2019 (5780) Sheet Music and Transliterations

Click here for Single PDF for Sheet Music and transliterations for the following:
- Zochreinu l’chayim,
- Achat sha’alti,
- Adon Olam melody (Dror yikra niggun), 
- Haleluya (Psalm 148:1-6),
- Ilu Fina (3 Part), 
- Ufros ale

Rosh Hashanah (Links to YouTube Videos and Audio Files)

- Zochreinu L' Chaim · Congregation Bet Haverim Wheels Within Wheels YouTube Video

- D'ror Yikra niggun Audio File (we'll use it for Adon Olam ) Melody sung by Elie Kaunfer and Rachel Forster

- Psalm 148 Haleluya YouTube Video (Nava Tehila)

- Ilu Finu YouTube Video (3 parts)
Note: Rabbi Miriam Margles, the composer of this beautiful melody is on left of the screen wearing a grey blouse, short hair and is leading the group 
- Ilu Finu By Rabbi Miriam Margles as sung by Rabbi Jessica Lenza YouTube Video (one part at a time with transliteration)
- Ilu Finu Words and Transliteration

Yom Kippur

- Nishmat Kol Chai YouTube Video (Joey Weisenberg)  (Words start at 47 seconds)
- Nishmat Kol Chai Words and Transliteration

- K'Shehalev Bocheh -  Shema Israel Song  YouTube Video  (sung by well-known Israeli singer Sarit Hadad)
- K'Shehalev Bocheh Words and Transliteration

- El Norah Alilah  YouTube Video   (our version is slightly different but it's close)
- El Norah Alilah Words and Transliteration 

YouTube Videos

High Holiday Songs led by Rabbi Ari Cartun with Guitar (Page references to old Machzor)

Kiddush for Rosh Hashana

Shehecheyanu (NFTY )

Esa Einay

Avinu Malkeinu

BaShana HaBa'ah

Mah Tovu (round)

Hineh Mah Tov (round)

Havah Nashirah (round)


V'Ha'eir Eyneynu


Ad0nay Sfatay Tiftach (Amidah - beginning)

Kedusha Responses

Yihyu L;Ratzon (End of Amidah)


Torah Service - Take Torah Out

TorahService - Put Torah Back

Shofar Service - Areshet S'Fateynu


Eli Eli

Yom Kippur Confession - Ashamnu

Yom KippurConfession -  v'AlKulam

Kol Ha'Olam Kulo

By The Waters Of Babylon (round)


haTikva (sung by Al Jolson )


Birkat HaKohanim – Priest Blessings

Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784
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