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July 30〜August 3 in 2018 「a lot of diary 28」

July 30〜August 3 in 2018
「a lot of diary 28」

〇Monday July30
I went to human rights meeting from 12:50 o’clock.
I was busy today.

〇Tuesday July 31
I got a lot of work.
It was a comfortable day.

〇Wednesday August 1
There is the open school meeting.
I made a recommendation for student all day.

〇Thursday August2
There was a lot of free time.
I am studying a lot of university meantime I am task.

〇Friday August3
I clean up the aisle and classroom because there is the open school tomorrow.
I seat a lot from body today.

タグ: 7月 2018


July23〜July27 in 2018 「productive diary 27」

July23〜July27 in 2018
「productive diary 27」

〇Monday July23
Summer holiday from today but I work.
I study English very proceed.

〇Tuesday July24
I’d like to go to JICA tomorrow.
I ate udon today.
I spent a lot of free time.

〇Wednesday July 25
There is the tea ceremony.
There is lack of time assistance.
I was exciting when I went to JICA.

〇Thursday July26
There was the tea ceremony club when I spent productive times.
Meet to tea teacher after noon.

〇Friday July27
There was a human rights meeting.
I taught a student how to write self recommend.

タグ: 7月 2018


July16〜July20 in 2018 「diary closing ceremony 26」

July16〜July20 in 2018
「diary closing ceremony 26」

〇Monday July 16
Public holiday

〇Tuesday July 17
I can not only document up but also study.
I work meanwhile eating snack.

〇Wednesday July 18
I work while study English.
I waste using time well.

〇Thursday July 19
There was education consult and human right of drinking party.
I left work early.

〇Friday July 20
Closing ceremony key closing work
The school is summer vacation from next week but staff work continues.

タグ: 7月 2018


July 9 〜 July13 in 2018 「diary25 style of work」

July 9 〜 July13 in 2018
「diary25 style of work」

〇Monday July 9
Medical checkup to teacher
I am scoring a test because today is the deadline.

〇Tuesday July10
Human rights meeting business trip at high school.
It was very hot when I was studying human rights.

〇Wednesday July11
There are gender education lecture meeting.
The gym was very hot.

〇Thursday July12
I watched DVD.
I was influenced by watching DVD.
Way of life
Style of work
I thought about my life.
Prejudice of work

〇Friday July 13
There is the class match.
I was difficult to cheer for my position.
I’m fine.

タグ: 7月 2018


July 2〜July 6 in 2018 「diary 24 Takamatsu air raid」

July 2〜July 6 in 2018
「diary 24 Takamatsu air raid」

〇Monday July 2
I thought about my life.
The previous job was a cook.
I quit a cook and I wanted to be a teacher because entered university.
I became a teacher after four years.
I was severe when I was studying university.

〇Tuesday July 3
I scored the test today.
All scoring of the test is over.

〇Wednesday July 4
Takamatsu of war in 1945
There was a Takamatsu air raid today.
I participated in an event walking the Takamatsu air raid before.

〇Thursday July 5
Human rights convention in Shikoku
On Kagawa
From today to 6
I got wet with rain.

〇Friday July 6
A heavy rain warning come out
I was trouble that convention will be opened or canceled.
I participated to Shikoku convention.

タグ: 7月 2018


June 25〜June 29 in 2018 「diary 23 test」

June 25〜June 29 in 2018
「diary 23 test」

〇Monday June 25
There is sex education.
Many documents were submission.
I have made test until yesterday.

〇Tuesday June 26
I have jest made test.
I am the teacher here.
I must go to firm.

〇Wednesday June 27
I take a domain.
I must choose either quit or continue.

〇Thursday June 28
Final exam from today
There is defense meeting.
There are super vision Japanese language and math.

〇Friday June 29
Today is home room teacher.
I was scored the test.
I visit to school.

タグ: 6月
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