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carbon offsetting
Carbon offsetting is gaining momentum as a way for businesses – and individuals – to minimise their environmental impact.
But is it enough, Megan Ramsay asks
カーボンオフセットは、ビジネスの方法として勢いを増しています ‐ そして個人 – それは環境への影響を最小限に抑えるため。しかし、それで十分です、ミーガン・ラムゼイは尋ねます。
offsetting:…を埋め合わせる gain:増す momentum:情勢、勢い minimise:最小限度にする
But is it enough, Megan Ramsay asks
カーボンオフセットは、ビジネスの方法として勢いを増しています ‐ そして個人 – それは環境への影響を最小限に抑えるため。しかし、それで十分です、ミーガン・ラムゼイは尋ねます。
offsetting:…を埋め合わせる gain:増す momentum:情勢、勢い minimise:最小限度にする
That’s more than twice the emissions produced by a family car in a single year.
What Is Flight Shaming, and How Is It Impacting the Aviation Industry?
APR. 20 2021, UPDATED 4:14 P.M. ET
As we continue to struggle to meet the demands of climate change, environmentalists hope to inspire travelers to forgo airplane travel in favor of lower impact pursuits.
4月20 2021、更新4:14 P.M. ET
These eco-conscious groups are promoting the flight shame movement, to hopefully convince vacationers to change their plans, and ultimately force airlines to adopt more eco-friendly sources of fuel.
conscious:意識している convince:説得する ultimately:最後に adopt:採用する
But is this tactic of flight shaming actually effective?
What is flight shame?
The idea behind flight shame is to convince travelers to elect for more eco-friendly means of transportation − such as boat, train, or even bus.
Flight shaming was popularized by teenage activist Greta Thunberg, who inspired Greenpeace and the Extinction Rebellion to carry on the message.
means:手段 transportation:乗り物 inspire:〜する気にさせる carry on:進める、処理する
According to Bloomberg, a rise in popularity could lead to massive changes in the aviation industry including lower passenger numbers or higher taxes.
ブルームバーグによると、人気の高まりは、上客数の少ないハイヤータクシーを含む航空業界に大きな変化をもたらす可能性があります。 or:すなわち
What would be most desirable, however, would be if pressure from the movement wound up forcing airlines to switch to sustainable aviation fuel.
wound up:損害を与える、負わせる
When did flight shaming start?
Greta Thunberg first made headlines when she skipped out on her flight to the 2019 United Nations Climate Summit in New York, in favor of a two-week Atlantic crossing via boat.
グレタ・トゥーンバーグは、ボートによる2週間の大西洋横断を支持して、ニューヨークで開催された2019年国連気候サミットへのフライトを止めたときに最初に評判になりました。headline:評判になる skip:省く in favor of:…を支持して via:…によって
She wasn’t the first Swede or Thunberg to flight shame, however.
Swedish singer Staffan Linberg, Olympic athlete Björn Ferry, and Greta’s opera singer mother, Malena Ernman have all publicly declared their aversion to flying as far back as 2017, according to The Independent.
publicly:公然と declare:宣言する aversion:嫌悪
Why are people giving up flying?
For starters, it’s very bad for the environment.
According to Forbes, air travel causes about 3 percent of all global carbon emissions.
In the wake of the pandemic and with more than 4 billion passengers set to get on an airplane in the coming year, that number is expected to grow to 3.5 percent.
パンデミックのあと、来年には40億人以上の乗客が飛行機に乗る予定であり、その数は3.5%に増加すると予想されています。in the wake of:…のすぐ後で
Considering we don’t have a ton of time to lower emissions before the planet meets its projected carbon threshold, this is obviously not something we want to have happened.
ton of time:多くの時間 meet:経験する threshold:入口、始め
Oddly enough, it’s not just the “hippies” that are flight shaming people into giving up their flights in favor of something less pollutive − some airlines are getting in on it too.
奇妙なことに、汚染の少ないものを支持して飛行機を諦める「飛び恥人」は「ヒッピー」だけではありません。− 一部の航空会社もそれを組み込んでいます。
oddly:奇妙に in favor of:賛成して pollute:汚染する get in:(仕事などを)組入れる
Business Insider recently reported that Dutch airline KLM has begun asking its customers to “fly responsibly” and only use airlines when absolutely necessary.
Business Insiderは最近、オランダの航空会社KLMが顧客に「責任を持って飛行」し、絶対に必要な場合にのみ航空会社を使用するように求め始めたと報告しました。absolutely:完全に
And they aren’t the only ones − even France has recently banned short flights to cut down on emissions.
Why is flying bad for the environment?
According to the BBC, mile for mile, flying is the worst way to travel in terms of climate and carbon emissions.
For example, a flight from London to San Francisco emits about 5.5 tons of carbon dioxide per person.
That’s more than twice the emissions produced by a family car in a single year.
But CO2 isn’t the only way that planes pollute the planet.
Other compounds can also find their way into the atmosphere, including soot, and nitrous oxides.
compound:化合物 atmosphere:大気 soot:すす nitrous oxide:亜酸化窒素
These create chemtrails that trap heat in the upper atmosphere, which winds up trapping the CO2 up there as well.
as well:同様に winds up:巻き上げる
If 4 billion people are chomping at the bit to fly out after they’ve received their vaccine, then a lot more of these pollutants are about to enter the atmosphere.
ワクチンを接種した後、40億人が少しずつ飛び出そうとしているとしたら、もっと多くの汚染物質が大気中に放出されようとしています。 pollutant:汚染物質
The decision to take a flight is ultimately up to you, of course.
We don’t expect our world travelers or fellow environmentalists to give up on their honeymoons, volunteer missions, or family vacations.
世界の旅行者や環境保護活動家の仲間が、新婚旅行、ボランティアミッション、家族での休暇をあきらめることは期待しません。 up to…:…まで
We do, however, want this to serve as a warning to those who might not have contemplated the environmental ethics of air travel. しかし、私たちはこれが空の旅の環境倫理を考えていなかったかもしれない人々への警告として役立つことを望んでいます。 contemplate:熟考する
There are always closer destinations and other ways to travel, so perhaps it's time to consider them. より近い目的地や他の旅行方法は常にあるので、おそらくそれらを検討する時が来ました。 destination:目的地
APR. 20 2021, UPDATED 4:14 P.M. ET
As we continue to struggle to meet the demands of climate change, environmentalists hope to inspire travelers to forgo airplane travel in favor of lower impact pursuits.
4月20 2021、更新4:14 P.M. ET
These eco-conscious groups are promoting the flight shame movement, to hopefully convince vacationers to change their plans, and ultimately force airlines to adopt more eco-friendly sources of fuel.
conscious:意識している convince:説得する ultimately:最後に adopt:採用する
But is this tactic of flight shaming actually effective?
What is flight shame?
The idea behind flight shame is to convince travelers to elect for more eco-friendly means of transportation − such as boat, train, or even bus.
Flight shaming was popularized by teenage activist Greta Thunberg, who inspired Greenpeace and the Extinction Rebellion to carry on the message.
means:手段 transportation:乗り物 inspire:〜する気にさせる carry on:進める、処理する
According to Bloomberg, a rise in popularity could lead to massive changes in the aviation industry including lower passenger numbers or higher taxes.
ブルームバーグによると、人気の高まりは、上客数の少ないハイヤータクシーを含む航空業界に大きな変化をもたらす可能性があります。 or:すなわち
What would be most desirable, however, would be if pressure from the movement wound up forcing airlines to switch to sustainable aviation fuel.
wound up:損害を与える、負わせる
When did flight shaming start?
Greta Thunberg first made headlines when she skipped out on her flight to the 2019 United Nations Climate Summit in New York, in favor of a two-week Atlantic crossing via boat.
グレタ・トゥーンバーグは、ボートによる2週間の大西洋横断を支持して、ニューヨークで開催された2019年国連気候サミットへのフライトを止めたときに最初に評判になりました。headline:評判になる skip:省く in favor of:…を支持して via:…によって
She wasn’t the first Swede or Thunberg to flight shame, however.
Swedish singer Staffan Linberg, Olympic athlete Björn Ferry, and Greta’s opera singer mother, Malena Ernman have all publicly declared their aversion to flying as far back as 2017, according to The Independent.
publicly:公然と declare:宣言する aversion:嫌悪
Why are people giving up flying?
For starters, it’s very bad for the environment.
According to Forbes, air travel causes about 3 percent of all global carbon emissions.
In the wake of the pandemic and with more than 4 billion passengers set to get on an airplane in the coming year, that number is expected to grow to 3.5 percent.
パンデミックのあと、来年には40億人以上の乗客が飛行機に乗る予定であり、その数は3.5%に増加すると予想されています。in the wake of:…のすぐ後で
Considering we don’t have a ton of time to lower emissions before the planet meets its projected carbon threshold, this is obviously not something we want to have happened.
ton of time:多くの時間 meet:経験する threshold:入口、始め
Oddly enough, it’s not just the “hippies” that are flight shaming people into giving up their flights in favor of something less pollutive − some airlines are getting in on it too.
奇妙なことに、汚染の少ないものを支持して飛行機を諦める「飛び恥人」は「ヒッピー」だけではありません。− 一部の航空会社もそれを組み込んでいます。
oddly:奇妙に in favor of:賛成して pollute:汚染する get in:(仕事などを)組入れる
Business Insider recently reported that Dutch airline KLM has begun asking its customers to “fly responsibly” and only use airlines when absolutely necessary.
Business Insiderは最近、オランダの航空会社KLMが顧客に「責任を持って飛行」し、絶対に必要な場合にのみ航空会社を使用するように求め始めたと報告しました。absolutely:完全に
And they aren’t the only ones − even France has recently banned short flights to cut down on emissions.
Why is flying bad for the environment?
According to the BBC, mile for mile, flying is the worst way to travel in terms of climate and carbon emissions.
For example, a flight from London to San Francisco emits about 5.5 tons of carbon dioxide per person.
That’s more than twice the emissions produced by a family car in a single year.
But CO2 isn’t the only way that planes pollute the planet.
Other compounds can also find their way into the atmosphere, including soot, and nitrous oxides.
compound:化合物 atmosphere:大気 soot:すす nitrous oxide:亜酸化窒素
These create chemtrails that trap heat in the upper atmosphere, which winds up trapping the CO2 up there as well.
as well:同様に winds up:巻き上げる
If 4 billion people are chomping at the bit to fly out after they’ve received their vaccine, then a lot more of these pollutants are about to enter the atmosphere.
ワクチンを接種した後、40億人が少しずつ飛び出そうとしているとしたら、もっと多くの汚染物質が大気中に放出されようとしています。 pollutant:汚染物質
The decision to take a flight is ultimately up to you, of course.
We don’t expect our world travelers or fellow environmentalists to give up on their honeymoons, volunteer missions, or family vacations.
世界の旅行者や環境保護活動家の仲間が、新婚旅行、ボランティアミッション、家族での休暇をあきらめることは期待しません。 up to…:…まで
We do, however, want this to serve as a warning to those who might not have contemplated the environmental ethics of air travel. しかし、私たちはこれが空の旅の環境倫理を考えていなかったかもしれない人々への警告として役立つことを望んでいます。 contemplate:熟考する
There are always closer destinations and other ways to travel, so perhaps it's time to consider them. より近い目的地や他の旅行方法は常にあるので、おそらくそれらを検討する時が来ました。 destination:目的地
Furthermore, travel can be the best education many of us can have.
Learning about different religions, countries and history.
Learning about ourselves, tolerating others and celebrating differences.
Therefore, to simply brandish flying with the same tarred brush is premature and sets a dangerous precedent to not “enjoy” all the positives that travel may bring.
Not everyone has the time to take a boat from Europe to the U.S. for example, in a stunt to prove an environmental point like Greta Thunberg did−when I was 16 years old I certainly didn’t have the time or resources to make this happen.
That, in itself, is not saying that action doesn’t need to be continued to prevent climate change, but it needs to be smartly targeted in areas which can significantly make substantial changes−even if global aviation were to reduce their emissions by 50%, this would only reduce global carbon emissions by 1%.
それ自体は、気候変動を防ぐために行動を継続する必要がないということではありません。しかし、賢く興味深い内容が伴う変化という目標にすべきです。−世界の航空が排出量を50%削減したとしても、このことは世界の二酸化炭素排出量の1%しか削減されないのです。significantly:意味深く substantial:実態のある、内容のある
The effect would also be incarcerating us, as a species, to believe that nothing can be enjoyed, holidays cannot be taken, and this great world cannot be explored.
その効果はまた、人類である私たちを監禁し、何も楽しむことができないと信じさせるでしょう、休日を取ることはできませんし、この素晴らしい世界を探索することもできません。 incarcerating:監禁 species:人類
Fast fashion accounting for 8% of carbon emissions and the food industry accounting for 25% of emissions might be a better place for us to look at changing dramatically as well.
Learning about different religions, countries and history.
Learning about ourselves, tolerating others and celebrating differences.
Therefore, to simply brandish flying with the same tarred brush is premature and sets a dangerous precedent to not “enjoy” all the positives that travel may bring.
Not everyone has the time to take a boat from Europe to the U.S. for example, in a stunt to prove an environmental point like Greta Thunberg did−when I was 16 years old I certainly didn’t have the time or resources to make this happen.
That, in itself, is not saying that action doesn’t need to be continued to prevent climate change, but it needs to be smartly targeted in areas which can significantly make substantial changes−even if global aviation were to reduce their emissions by 50%, this would only reduce global carbon emissions by 1%.
それ自体は、気候変動を防ぐために行動を継続する必要がないということではありません。しかし、賢く興味深い内容が伴う変化という目標にすべきです。−世界の航空が排出量を50%削減したとしても、このことは世界の二酸化炭素排出量の1%しか削減されないのです。significantly:意味深く substantial:実態のある、内容のある
The effect would also be incarcerating us, as a species, to believe that nothing can be enjoyed, holidays cannot be taken, and this great world cannot be explored.
その効果はまた、人類である私たちを監禁し、何も楽しむことができないと信じさせるでしょう、休日を取ることはできませんし、この素晴らしい世界を探索することもできません。 incarcerating:監禁 species:人類
Fast fashion accounting for 8% of carbon emissions and the food industry accounting for 25% of emissions might be a better place for us to look at changing dramatically as well.
タグ: flying
carbon emissions
Commercial aviation accounts for just 2% of carbon emissions globally, and when that is compared to the fashion industry which contributes 8% of carbon emissions, of the food industry at 25%, there is a strong argument that blindly targeting commercial aviation which provides important global links is tarnishing flying machines with one brush.
There is certainly more awareness of climate change, and although aviation is targeted as one of the most polluting forms of transportation, the targeting of scheduled flights that account for less than 2% of carbon emissions is could be seen as slightly premature.
For anyone to deny climate change and the need for immediate action is quite simply denying the facts. Anything that can be done should be applauded, but versus other forms of carbon emitters, flight shaming should be treated cautiously.
Flying is a relatively small emitter of carbon emissions, yet aviation is so important−not only does it link up families, friends and employment, but very often flying and vacations demonstrate a time when people are happy, sharing time with their loved ones on hard-earned holidays.
There is certainly more awareness of climate change, and although aviation is targeted as one of the most polluting forms of transportation, the targeting of scheduled flights that account for less than 2% of carbon emissions is could be seen as slightly premature.
For anyone to deny climate change and the need for immediate action is quite simply denying the facts. Anything that can be done should be applauded, but versus other forms of carbon emitters, flight shaming should be treated cautiously.
Flying is a relatively small emitter of carbon emissions, yet aviation is so important−not only does it link up families, friends and employment, but very often flying and vacations demonstrate a time when people are happy, sharing time with their loved ones on hard-earned holidays.
タグ: carbon emissions
The term Flygskam, which translates to “flight shame” and encourages individuals to take the train over a plane, has seemingly gained popularity in Thunberg’s native Sweden.
Flygskam という用語は「フライトシェイム」を意味し、個人が飛行機を止めて電車に乗ることを奨励し、トゥーンバーグの生まれ故郷のスウェーデンで認知されているようです。
The German rail operator Deutsche Bahn has now reported record passenger numbers.
Meanwhile, the ADV industry group in Germany has reported a 12% decline in commercial aircraft passenger numbers for November, which is the fourth straight monthly decline.
This argument for shaming commercial flights has some strong cases for both sides, as the aviation industry including major airports particularly in the EU are implementing strong measures to drastically reduce their carbon footprint over the next decade.
Flygskam という用語は「フライトシェイム」を意味し、個人が飛行機を止めて電車に乗ることを奨励し、トゥーンバーグの生まれ故郷のスウェーデンで認知されているようです。
The German rail operator Deutsche Bahn has now reported record passenger numbers.
Meanwhile, the ADV industry group in Germany has reported a 12% decline in commercial aircraft passenger numbers for November, which is the fourth straight monthly decline.
This argument for shaming commercial flights has some strong cases for both sides, as the aviation industry including major airports particularly in the EU are implementing strong measures to drastically reduce their carbon footprint over the next decade.
タグ: Flygskam
flight shame
Passenger numbers are steadily dropping on domestic and short-haul routes within Europe.
Even airlines such as KLM are now encouraging passengers to use trains on shorter journeys to reduce the environmental impact from flying.
Germany has seen a slump in domestic air travel which has mirrored a decline seen in Sweden, Greta Thunberg’s native country.
With the growing focus of environmental change and groups including Extinction Rebellion along with activists such as Greta Thunberg throwing the topic into the spotlight, never has so much attention been on our individual carbon footprint.
Even airlines such as KLM are now encouraging passengers to use trains on shorter journeys to reduce the environmental impact from flying.
Germany has seen a slump in domestic air travel which has mirrored a decline seen in Sweden, Greta Thunberg’s native country.
With the growing focus of environmental change and groups including Extinction Rebellion along with activists such as Greta Thunberg throwing the topic into the spotlight, never has so much attention been on our individual carbon footprint.
タグ: flight shame
When Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg skipped flying in favor of a two-week Atlantic crossing to reach the United Nations Climate Summit in New York in September 2019, the nascent flight-shaming movement really took off.
Protest groups such as Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion are fueling the campaign by highlighting aviation’s role in global warming.
The phenomenon could lead to lower passenger numbers, higher taxes on flights, and changes in jet and fuel technology.
Protest groups such as Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion are fueling the campaign by highlighting aviation’s role in global warming.
The phenomenon could lead to lower passenger numbers, higher taxes on flights, and changes in jet and fuel technology.
タグ: flight-shaming
It is an extremely mysterious judgment.
Major League Baseball Shohei Ohtani started as a pitcher and batter in the Interleague Diamondbacks match in Phoenix on the 11th.
Otani lost two points in two balks in one game for the first time in Japan and the United States.
I was watching TV and the two balks felt quite mysterious.
The balk in question happened in the fifth inning, led by the Angels, 3-0.
Before throwing the first ball in the scene where the Indians batter was greeted, Otani took off the plate, turned his body, turned to the second base, and showed the action of restraining.
Otani made a throwing action but did not actually throw it, but the third base judge decided that it was a balk.Otani shrugged with a bitter smile, spread his hands and posed "WHY?".
And Otani twisted his neck many times.
Maddon went out of the bench and protested because the decision was a decision that could not be offered for video verification.
The referees gathered and discussed, but the runners advanced to the second and third bases without overturning the judgment result.
Otani's legs were completely off the plate.
If that play of Otani becomes a balk, most pitchers' second base check will be a balk.
Moreover, the mysterious judgment did not end there.
Next, the batter made a half swing on the fifth ball thrown by Otani.
The third-base judge immediately sentenced him to balk again without judging the half-swing.
As a result, the runner returned with two balks and scored one point.
It must be said that it is an extremely mysterious judgment.
Otani lost two points in two balks in one game for the first time in Japan and the United States.
I was watching TV and the two balks felt quite mysterious.
The balk in question happened in the fifth inning, led by the Angels, 3-0.
Before throwing the first ball in the scene where the Indians batter was greeted, Otani took off the plate, turned his body, turned to the second base, and showed the action of restraining.
Otani made a throwing action but did not actually throw it, but the third base judge decided that it was a balk.Otani shrugged with a bitter smile, spread his hands and posed "WHY?".
And Otani twisted his neck many times.
Maddon went out of the bench and protested because the decision was a decision that could not be offered for video verification.
The referees gathered and discussed, but the runners advanced to the second and third bases without overturning the judgment result.
Otani's legs were completely off the plate.
If that play of Otani becomes a balk, most pitchers' second base check will be a balk.
Moreover, the mysterious judgment did not end there.
Next, the batter made a half swing on the fifth ball thrown by Otani.
The third-base judge immediately sentenced him to balk again without judging the half-swing.
As a result, the runner returned with two balks and scored one point.
It must be said that it is an extremely mysterious judgment.
76 members of the rugby club were infected.
At Ryutsu Keizai University in Ibaraki Prefecture, it was found that 76 members of the rugby club were infected with the new coronavirus.
Since the rugby club of Ryutsu Keizai University confirmed the infection of 6 members, an internal inspection revealed 70 new infections.
The university has announced that it will close the campus where rugby club members attend until the 26th.
Ryutsu Keizai University is not a special case, and this is likely to happen everywhere.
Governments that run the Olympics always face this risk.
Since the rugby club of Ryutsu Keizai University confirmed the infection of 6 members, an internal inspection revealed 70 new infections.
The university has announced that it will close the campus where rugby club members attend until the 26th.
Ryutsu Keizai University is not a special case, and this is likely to happen everywhere.
Governments that run the Olympics always face this risk.