JANE AUSTEN Emma https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/ 幼い児が歌を覚える時に末尾の言葉から覚えて行くと聞いた。真似することが大事と心得る。 ja https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/633/0 ? JANE AUSTEN Emma 2023.11.05 Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.エ.. (カテゴリなし) JANE AUSTEN Emma 2023-11-05T11:28:02+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/268/0 ? - JANE AUSTEN Emma - 2022.01.31 Mrs. Goddard’s school was in high repute?and very deservedly; for Highbury was reckoned a particularly healthy spot: she had an ample house and garden, gave the children plenty of wholesome food, let them run about a great deal in the summe.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2022-01-31T07:09:28+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/59/0 Mar 25, 2021 (59) She had resolution enough to pursue her own will in spite of her brother, but not enough to refrain from unreasonable regrets at that brother’s unreasonable anger, nor from missing the luxuri-es of her former home.兄の反対を物ともせず結婚する決意は固かったが、兄の理.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-25T06:35:42+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/58/0 Mar 24, 2021 (58) It was an unsuitable connection, and did not produce much ha-ppiness.それは不釣り合いの関係で、そして幸せはをもたらすことはなかった。unsuitable:(形)不適当な、不似合いのproduce:(動)引き起こす、生じさせるMrs. Weston ought to have found more in it, for she had a hus-band whose warm heart and sweet.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-24T06:51:27+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/57/0 Mar 23, 2021 (57) Miss Churchill, however, being of age, and with the full comma-nd of her fortune?though her fortune bore no proportion to the family-estate?was not to be dissuaded from the marriage, and it took place to the infinite mortification of Mr. an.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-23T06:49:44+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/56/0 Mar 22, 2021 (56) Captain Weston was a general favourite; and when the chances of his military life had introduced him to Miss Churchill, of a gre-at Yorkshire family, and Miss Churchill fell in love with him, nob-ody was surprized except her brother and his.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-22T06:27:54+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/55/0 Mar 21, 2021 (55) He had received a good education, but on succeeding early in li-fe to a small independence, had become indisposed for any of the more homely pursuits in which his brothers were engaged; and had satisfied an active cheerful mind and social t.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-21T06:36:42+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/54/0 Mar 20, 2021 (54) Depend upon it, a man of six or seven-and-twenty can take ca-re of himself.二十六、七の男なら自分の事は自分でできるよ。depend upon it:?文頭または文尾に用いて?(英略式)確かに、きっと 例:Depend upon it, he will succeed.    請け合うよ、彼はきっと成功する。Mr. Weston was a native of Highbury, and b.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-20T05:06:39+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/53/0 Mar 19, 2021 (53) Invite him to dinner, Emma, and help him to the best of the fish and the chicken, but leave him to chuse his own wife.彼を夕食に誘って、エマ、最高の魚、最高の鶏肉を出してやる。彼の奥さん探しは彼に任せるんだね。help:[help A to B] AにB(料理など)を給仕する、出すinvite:招待するleave:〈物・事を〉(人・物・事に)任せるchuse:.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-19T05:24:50+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/52/0 Mar 18, 2021 (52) “With a great deal of pleasure, sir, at any time,” said Mr. Knight-ley laughing; “and I agree with you entirely that it will be a mu-ch better thing.いつでも喜んでそうしますよウェストンさん。ナイトリーさんは笑いながら言いました。「それがもっといい」と言うあなたの意見に全面的に賛成です。a great deal of;たくさんの、.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-18T06:29:50+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/51/0 Mar 17, 2021 (51) But if you want to shew him any attention, my dear, ask him to come and dine with us some day.でも彼に何かしてあげたいのならエマ、いつか我が家で一緒に食事をしないかと尋ねるといい。attention:親切、(親切な)行為 That will be a much better thing.その方がもっといいよ。I dare say Mr. Knightley will be so ki.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-17T06:06:52+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/50/0 Mar 16, 2021 (50) I think very well of Mr. Elton, and this is the only way I have of doing him a service.”私はエルトンさんは立派な人だと思うし、これが彼にしてあげられる唯一の道なのです。think well of…:…をよく思う、尊重するdoing:(名)実行、すること“Mr. Elton is a very pretty young man to be sure, and a very go-od you.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-16T06:34:12+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/49/0 Mar 15, 2021 (49) You like Mr. Elton, papa,-I must look about for a wife for him.お父様もエルトンさんが好きでしょう。彼に奥さんを探してあげないと。There is nobody in Highbury who deserves him-and he has bee-n here a whole year, and has fitted up his house so comfortably that it would be a s.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-15T07:08:42+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/48/0 Mar 14, 2021 (48) “But, my dear, pray do not make any more matches, they are silly things, and break up one’s family circle grievously.”だけど、エマ、お願いだからもう縁組はしないで欲しい。馬鹿げたことだ。そして、家族の絆をぶち壊して悲しませることになる。grievously:(副)悲しいほど、ひどく“Only one more, papa; only for Mr. Elton.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-14T07:02:05+09:00 https://fanblogs.jp/usagi20213/archive/47/0 Mar 13, 2021 (47) “Emma never thinks of herself, if she can do good to others;” r-ejoined Mr. Woodhouse, understanding but in part.エマは人様にとって良ければ自分の事は考えない。ウッドハウス氏はナイトリー氏の言うことの意味を全部理解しないままに会話にまた戻った。rejoin:…を再び接合する、…と答える、(特に返答に対して)…と返答するunderstanding:理解、思慮、共感in.. Emma JANE AUSTEN Emma 2021-03-13T06:04:11+09:00
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