澄んだ水に 見返りは求めない 何も返ってこなくても 夢は見れた 時のじゅうたんを敷き その上で僕らは夢を見る 資源も時間も限られてる 誰だってセコくなるし勿体ぶるし 限界もある だから賭けた 覚悟も決めた 澄みきった空見つめれば 世界も輝く In clear water I don't ask for a reward Even if nothing is returned I had a dream Lay the carpet of time On top of that we dream Limited resources and time Everyone gets sick There are limits So I bet I also decided to prepare If you stare at the clear sky The world shines
スローファンタジー 徐々に染まっていく一枚絵 まだ描き続けるなら 無駄な時間を過ごすのも 無駄なこと考えるのも悪くないね なにかのためになんてない 目的なんてない けど結末は知っている けど年月は一向に過ぎてくれず困っている 魔王や勇者みたいに簡単に願いが叶うなら 幻の回廊をさ迷うことも無い 今恐れていることや戯れ言が具現化されるなら 生きることがおぼつかない生物を辞めてもいい 足場のない道を歩むことを断念してもいい 夢から覚めれば結末は変わっていた まだ歩き続けているように Slow fantasy One picture that is gradually dyed If you still draw It ’s also a waste of time It's not bad to think in vain There's nothing for something There is no purpose But I know the ending But I'm in trouble because the years haven't passed. If your wishes come true as easily as a demon or a brave man Never get lost in the phantom corridor If what you are afraid of or playful words are embodied You can quit the creatures that you don't know how to live You may give up on the road without scaffolding When I woke up from my dream, the ending had changed As if you're still walking
ちゃんと聞かせて欲しい どこから来たのか知らないけど 名前を教えて欲しい あるがままな心は無く あるがままに生きたとしてもそこに心は無く 宛先と名前のない 内容だけの手紙を読む 書いてはあるがままに飛ばす As the heart is How can i live I want you to tell me properly I don't know where it came from I want you to tell me your name There is no heart as it is Even if I live as it is, there is no heart there No destination and no name Read a letter with only the content Skip as it is written
風の葉 色の違う葉は枯れ葉の中で眠っている 消すことのできない風と葉 ずっと紅葉や桜の木の下にいる 世の中嫌なことしかないから 花もいずれ散る 風の中で花が舞っている 今年も名前も顔も違う人たちが出会う 違う人を愛する 風と同じ形の葉っぱたちが 同じ風に愛し合っている Wind leaves Leaves of different colors are sleeping in dead leaves Indelible wind and leaves I've been under the autumn leaves and cherry trees Because there are only things that the world doesn't like The flowers will eventually fall Flowers are dancing in the wind People with different names and faces meet this year as well Love different people Leaves that have the same shape as the wind Love each other in the same way