エメラルドグリーンの空に 死んでもいいやつが死にに行く 人前では言葉にしてはいけない 言葉にはしない方がいい 奈落の底での切望 もう使い物にならなくなった肉体と精神が ようやく役に立つ時がきた 戦死した先祖は私に微笑み 私に手をそっと差し伸べた ずっとこの時のために私は生きていた ついに活きる時が来た 何一つ穢れのないエメラルドグリーンの空に飛び込むため 今日この日のために私は生きてきた どんな人だったかわからない けど聞こえたよ 死にたくない 死ぬことは悪いことじゃない 死ぬことは悪いこと けど何が悪いのかわからない わからない 聞きたかった 生きている人は特にそう思う 生きたいとは思わない 聞いていたい まだどこかで彼は生きている 綺麗にたたずむエメラルドグリーンの空に 怖いものはない このエメラルドグリーンに染まった世界でもう何も恐れるものはない 死んでもいい だがまだ彼はどこかで生きている in the emerald green sky A guy who can die is going to die don't speak in public It's better not to put it into words longing in the abyss The body and spirit that are no longer useable It's finally time to help My dead ancestors smile at me gently reached out to me I've been living for this moment It's finally time to live To jump into the pure emerald green sky I've lived for this day I don't know what kind of person you were but i heard I do not want die dying is not a bad thing to die is bad but i don't know what's wrong don't know i wanted to ask Living people think so i don't want to live i want to hear he's still alive somewhere In the beautifully nestled emerald green sky there is nothing to be afraid of There's nothing to fear in this emerald green world you can die but he's still alive somewhere
There are too many things that are more scary than free It's still better to give it away for free nothing ticket nothing else I threw away everything that could be thrown away I just picked up everything I could pick up Even if I throw it away, there are things I still pick up Daily SortingSeparate Garbage Every Day You don't have to give results I'm not that kind of person If you just have to raise money Anyone can join a yakuza or a mysterious group It may be possible to steal money from people by making full use of fraud and multiplayer making money is hard Those who are still trying to make good money Nothing is safer than free
No matter how much you put in, it won't be sweet no matter how much sugar you put in honey there is a limit about the limits themselves I don't know the details choose your own limits set your own limits do whatever you want all day tomorrow Coffee doesn't have to be bitter Eliminate the limits of the world itself increase marshmallow humans or reduce? Well there are no limits either way
結局何も残らなかった 打ちひしがれる 暗闇の部屋の中に取り残される 悪いニュースだけが胸に刻まれる 目に焼き付けられた ただ消え行く炎 私は液晶と同じ 焼かれることはない 私の胸には何もない 何もない 真っ黒の紙で良い 悪いニュースばかりの世の中で良い このまま何もせず 破滅だけを待つ世の中で良い その代わり何かよこせ 深大な穴を空ける何かを 強大な炎を 交感神経はもはや火 燃やす媒体 燃やされることを望む木偶ではない nothing was left in the end crushed stranded in a dark room Only bad news is engraved in my heart burned into the eye just a fading flame i am the same as the lcd never burnt nothing in my chest there is nothing Black paper is fine Good news in a world full of bad news without doing anything It's good in a world that only waits for destruction give me something instead Something that pierces a deep hole a mighty flame The sympathetic nerve is no longer on fire burning medium Not a wooden doll that wants to be burned
People who enjoy cloudy holidays A cactus that can survive in the desert windless national highway Trace and silver road If time passes, the rusted hour hand will fall off Everything becomes a tailwind Singing flowers praying for rain sunny jungle withered by chemicals Cactus dying in the desert cry in the flooded desert
Most people would say the same Change others or change yourself. it has often been said than change yourself It's easier and quicker to change other people Change yourself or change others I'd rather go there than change yourself Costperformance is far better and you can change the situation to your advantage just to say say anything
live only in the body There is no soul from the beginning All those stories are lies All those who talk like that are charlatans In a world without possibilities from the beginning There is no element of reversal like i am now there is only peace The soul ascended long ago No history, no hope nothing to believe keep only peace protect dek-no-bo who protects people who don't like peace people who like peace people who want to reverse People who don't have to turn around