93 Titian (ABOUT 1490-1576)
Philip ?U, 1551
Oil on canvas, 193x111 cm
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
94 Antonis Mor (ACTIV 1544; DIED 1576/7)
Portrait of Philip ?U on Saint Quentin's Day, 1560
Oil on canvas, 200x103 cm
Patrimonio Nacinal, Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Signed and dates: Antonio Moro Pingebat 1560
(the signature at the bottom is a later addition)
98 Antonis Mor (ACTIV 1544; DIED 1576/7)
Perejon, Buffoon to the Count of Benavente
and the Duke of Alba, 1559-61
Oil on canvas, 181x92 cm
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
Van Eyck to Titian
Lorne Campbell, Miguel Falomir,
Jennifer Fletcher and Luke Syson
National Gallery Company, London
Renaissance faces : Van Eyck to Titian
Lorne Campbell .... [et al.] ; with contributions by Philip Attwood ... [et al.].
National Gallery, 2008
形態: 303p ; 33cm
注記: Catalogue of the exhibition, held at National Gallery, London, Oct. 15, 2008-Jan. 18, 2009 ; Includes bibliography (p. 291-299) and index
著者標目: Campbell, Lorne, 1946- ; Attwood, Philip ; National Gallery (Great Britain)
件名: 展覧会カタログ ; Portrait painting, Renaissance -- Exhibitions
内容: ロンドンのNational Galleryで2008年10月から2009年1月まで催された展覧会のカタログ。この本ではルネッサンス期に南北ヨーロッパで栄えた肖像画の発展を辿っていく。
This comprehensive survey traces the development of portrait painting in Northern and Southern Europe during the Renaissance, when the genre first flourished. These two regions developed their own distinct styles and techniques but were also influenced by one another in fascinating ways. In essays that focus on the intriguing relationship between artists working in Italy and northern Europe, renowned specialists analyze the notion of likeness??which, during this time, was based not only on accurate reference for posterity but also incorporated all aspects of human life, including propaganda, power, courtship, love, family, ambition, and hierarchy??through magnificent works by artists including Giovanni Bellini, Sandro Botticelli, Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Durer, Jan van Eyck, Leonardo da Vinci, and Titian, among many others. The authors address different portrait types, styles, techniques, and iconographies, and discuss the connections between painting and sculpture and portrait medals. This stunning book also addresses the evolution of the full-length portrait and the "anti-ideal" in counter-portraits, which depict court jesters and dwarves. In these often satirical representations, painters could show off their skills as recorders of likeness without the restrictions imposed by idealization.
著者情報: Campbell, Lorne, 1946-
件名: 展覧会カタログ
ISBN: 9781857094114
Renaissance Faces DVD – Van Eyck to Titan
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