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2017 The latest edition! The information of cherry blossoms in Kyoto. (3/17 up)

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Following the last time, I introduce

"2017 The latest edition! The information of cherry blossoms in Kyoto"

This time is,

3 attractions of cherry blossoms that are going to be in full bloom after 4/10.

#ninnaji #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
First, It is Omuro cherry trees at Ninna-ji Temple .

Most of Omuro cherry trees are only around 3m high, so you can enjoy cherry-blossom viewing on a different angle from other attractions of cherry blossoms.

#yoshiminedera #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
Next is Yoshimine-dera Temple that is one of the famous temple in Nishiyama area.

The image above is Keishoin's weeping cherry tree. It is a cherry blossoms showing feminine elegance.

#yoshiminedera #kyoto #fullbloom #cherryblossom
You can enjoy not only cherry blossom viewing but also a magnificent panorama like the image above, because it is located halfway up Mt. Shakadake.

今年の原谷苑は非常に素晴らしいです。様々な桜が一気に咲き乱れています。#kyoto #haradanien #cherryblossom #fullbloom
Finally, it is Haradani-en Garden , near Ninna-ji Temple.

You will be surprised at the overwhelming amount of flowers in this garden.

It is truly amazing that cherry blossoms, forsythia, spiraea and so on bloom in profusion.

#kyoto #haradanien #fullbloom #cherryblossom
Let's cool down your feelings that were excited too much at the tea house inside the garden.








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