(2/1/2021 12:13 PM "European pupilsdoesn't know that the Roman Catholic churchis incorporated into the Illuminati? / Freemasonsystem, do they?")
(To those addressed by 11 predetermined IGDM groups, including
[i] Luciferian PM Gaa-suu,
[ii] JP FAKE right wing forces,
[iii] The Greatest President Trumpand Trump'ssupporters,
[iv] European Royal Familiesmingled with, or more precisely, serving under the International Money Barons?,
[v] Luciferian President Moon,
[vi] Luciferian RINOs Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Peter Meijer, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Newhouse, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Tom Rice, John Katko, Fred Upton, Adam Kinzinger, David G. Valadao, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomeyand Mike Pence,
[vii] FALSE President Bidenand FALSE Vice President Harris,
[viii] Pope Francis, PM Merkeland President Macron.
2/1/2021 1:53 AM)
Dear Pope, Macron, Donald, Donald'ssupporters and others,
European Catholic pupilslearn from schools, churches and families
about "In eminenti apostolatus", "Providas Romanorum" and other Papal bulls banning Freemasonry, don't they?
And European Catholic pupilsdon't know, after those bulls,
about when the Roman Catholic church, as a whole, was incorporated into the Illuminati? / Freemasonsystem, do they?
"In eminenti apostolatus"
in Vol. 15 - Magnum Bullarium Romanum, p. 184 [LATIN]
⇒ https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_ZbO9dU5UTwkC/page/n199/mode/2up
/ http://bit.ly/2Mr8diF
⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_eminenti_apostolatus
/ http://bit.ly/3pmSjV7
[Screenshot of "In eminenti apostolatus"]
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WaXIf4-Fh11DNNoNBEeuDzgqvsMBk-VE/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/3r9gHKs )
"Providas Romanorum"
in Vol. 18 - Magnum Bullarium Romanum, p. 212 [LATIN]
⇒ https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_YQWrRmSrkOQC/page/n223/mode/2up
/ http://bit.ly/3t6O4zs
⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Providas_Romanorum
/ http://bit.ly/3osvMVI
[Screenshot of "Providas Romanorum"]
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xkRQvebWsoaQ2X7HrZ6C8E4cVkCf3f4N/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/39xM2QN )
"Papal Bulls Banning Freemasonry"
⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n20uLSd9pqCmaIIgXNossbVpEoSDZJIN/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/2KwsjUX
[Screenshot of "Papal Bulls Banning Freemasonry"]
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZcoO-YcWetR7dWRcxXpsilicrV-ZjI7S/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/3pBfz1Q )
Comparatively speaking, decentralized Protestants have, from the beginning,
no inner systematic cooperation to fight against the Illuminati? / Freemasonforces.
Concerning the Reformation, from me as a Japanese patriot,
Martin Luther seems having been right but Jean Calvin seems having been wrong.
At present, most Christian laymenseem not to know that
the Illuminati? / Freemasonforces,
while disguising themselves as charitable foundations and agitating internationalism,
have taken the lead in, by substance, destroying states (patriotism) and churches (belief in God) under the control of psychopathic Europe's ruling classheaded by the International Money Barons?.
Of course, intentionally by the plot of the International Money Barons?,
Catholics and Protestants were divided and
Protestantism were established as England's national religion.
"Absurd Celebration for Patriots in Each Country,
held by UGLE Internationalists"
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciNkEPBGc-o&list=PLApqqGZRUe5r2MpSIztR9seFzrXm_718l&index=15
/ https://bit.ly/2NSw1wH
You know or don't you that, for example, Anglo-American Scottish rite Masons and Continental Strict Observance Masons
belong to the Illuminati? / Freemasonforces,
which means that those Masonshave taken the lead in substantially practicing Code of the Illuminati??
⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Rite
/ http://bit.ly/3ex5H4c
⇒ https://scottishritenmj.org/
/ http://bit.ly/39x7ipS
⇒ https://scottishrite.org/
/ https://bit.ly/39x57Td
⇒ http://stricte-observance-templiere.com/Eng.php
/ http://bit.ly/3r7carN
"Code of the Illuminati?"
in Vol3: Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism
by Abbe Barruel (Author) & Robert Clifford (Translator)
⇒ https://archive.org/details/memoirsillustrat03barr/page/n6
/ http://bit.ly/2mZdtxH
[Screenshot 1 of "Screenshot 1 of Vol3 - Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism"]
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/107KQ9uoxQGlBd7LDIaL4fxHz7rZsJ2Uv/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/36w1riW )
[Screenshot 2 of "Screenshot 1 of Vol3 - Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism"]
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NqraS63RlbL8dVI2XzZh2kLr75NCW4QW/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/3pBn3Su )
[Screenshot 3 of "Screenshot 1 of Vol3 - Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism"]
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ku0b_Ct2MeUV9cHwsRRNo2XwYaVSi3DH/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/3r6maBv )
Europe's ruling classmust stop brainwashing humanity in psychopathic manner.
Someone may practise philanthropism,
but Masonicfraternity seems hypocrisy
in that the Illuminati? / Freemasonforces use, or allow to use, psychopathic lying, swindling and brainwashing, based on the fundamental idea, "End justifies Means".
I can point out "6 million Holocaust victims" and "global warming by CO2" as simple examples of lies of Europe's ruling class.
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XayWCiI3GVQ&list=PLApqqGZRUe5rkrdA93HFl7sLw58FxbdxI
/ https://bit.ly/36sc5qR
⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Faurisson
/ http://bit.ly/3cr3Te9
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=nBcXwLJygfk&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pFjWHG1Yo50Aj2P8CIgWos&index=7
/ https://bit.ly/3jfbSN3
⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Global_Warming_Swindle
/ http://bit.ly/39BAP1X
Pope Francis,
if you are not incorporated into the Illuminati? / Freemasonsystem,
you should issue a bull banning Freemasonryand Communism,
which expressly uses the words, "Freemasonry" and "Communism"
for the purpose of protecting not only the Catholics but also the whole humanity
from MADNESS of Luciferians, Satanistsand Mammon worshipers.
⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFK6W4ivGX6xmM7peTVgEmB4wdPY-F57/view?usp=sharing
/ https://bit.ly/31Gq2yi
(⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TvaIcFCzW1yToCY-z78PzYJABXtCvEZg/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/2NS8oEt )
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