(5/1/2021 2:31 AM - 5/3/2021 4:12 PM
"Sheepleon earth should join forces to extinguish the CRAZY CCP,
regardless of the attitude of the SWINDLERS, Masonic forces?/&.")
(To those addressed by 26 predetermined IGDM groups, including
[i] Luciferian PM Gaa-suu, Luciferian FALSE President Biden, Luciferian PM Merkel, Luciferian President Macronand other Luciferian headsof G7 states,
[ii] Luciferian Presidents Micheland Leyen,
[iii] Japanese REAL& FAKEright wing forces, including Luciferian Minister Konoand Luciferian Minister Nishimura,
[iv] Japanese political parties,
[v] a Japanese FALSE international politics scholar,
[vi] the Greatest President Trumpand Trump'ssupporters,
[vii] European Royal Familiesmingled with, or more precisely, serving under the International Money Barons?,
[viii] Luciferian President Moon(de facto governor‐general of COLONIAL South Korea ruled by the CCP),
[ix] Luciferian RINOs Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Peter Meijer, Anthony Gonzalez, Dan Newhouse, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Tom Rice, John Katko, Fred Upton, Adam Kinzinger, David G. Valadao, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, Mario Diaz-Balart, Brian Fitzpatrick, Carlos Gimenez, Young Kim, Nicole Malliotakis, Maria E. Salazar, Chris SmithBill Cassidyand Mike Pence,
[x] Luciferian FALSE Vice President Harrisand Luciferian Speaker Pelosi,
[xi] Luciferian Pope Francis,
[xii] about 180 Korean Diet members&,
[xiii] about 400 Korean entertainers&;
and to those whose YouTube channel are bookmarked, including
[xiv] about 120 universities and colleges in South Korea,
[xv] about 120 Japanese Councilors&and about 200 Japanese Representatives&,
[xvi] about 410 Japanese universities and colleges,
[xvii] about 70 U.S. Senators&and about 300 U.S. Representatives&,
[xviii] more than 2000 universities and colleges in the U.S.)
Dear patriotic friendsespecially in Korea and Japan, the Greatest President Trumpand Trump'ssupporters, and others&,
In each country, you know,
for awakened sheeplefrom the international brainwashing by Europe's ruling class?,
there are only two classifications <I>, <II> on political forces.
<I> One political force is MATERIALISTIC INTERNATIONALIST force
that is serving under Europe's ruling class?, or flattering the CCP,
using any lies, deceits, enchantings and hypocrisies in politics
in order to [i] intentionally mislead sheeplein judging about political matters and
[ii] tighten the rope for Masonicdespotism in each country.
<II> The other political force is GENUINE PATRIOTIC force
that is serving for the whole sheeplein each country,
trying to reduce lies, deceits, enchantings and hypocrisies in politics
in order to lead sheepleinto escaping from Masonicdespotism in each country.
[Examples of the abovesaid political force <II>]
(1) ??? ???? ? ??? ???? [??] 210423 ? [???? ???? #69] ??? ??
⇒ https://rumble.com/vfz585--210423-69-.html
/ https://bit.ly/3euFl3k
(2) 【Front Japan 桜】媚中派を一掃して、真っ直ぐに日本は核武装を![桜R3/4/22]
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztQfuKy131s&list=PLApqqGZRUe5oJhQIcnU0PittJNtDVzRpt&index=44
/ https://bit.ly/3xxEtDK
And Friends,
I suggest you to think, by yourself, who tells the truth about world affairs,
by, as clues, watching the following YouTube videos (3) - (17) and
reading the references in Japanese (18), (19).
Probably youwould willingly agree with my conclusion (20),
after your thinking about the truth.
[About the international brainwashing by Europe's ruling class?, and
especially about Pogroms as a means to increase the Democratssupporters in the U.S.]
(3) "Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati? / CFR [1967]" (speech)
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrUXPn7HCjM&list=PLApqqGZRUe5oSGRvlH0a8aO7w6U-n8HLZ&index=2
/ http://bit.ly/2UESY90
("Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati? / CFR [1967]" (manuscript (?) of the above speech)
⇒ https://100777.com/myron
/ https://bit.ly/3iXwAQy )
[About the Immigrants' Aggression, or Ethnic Cleansing, in Palestine]
(4) The Dirty Truth About Israel."
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM2S0L6xW5c&list=PLApqqGZRUe5p85aSBsFihlFXW-T3ExbZf
/ https://bit.ly/2QZu2bb
[About the Persecution and Ethnic Cleansing (or Genocide) against Uyghurs by the CRAZY CCP, and
about the Organ Harvesting Proving the Core CRAZINESS of the CCP]
(5) 【ノーカット】ウイグル自治区の強制労働、日系企業関与なら取引停止を 日本ウイグル協会
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwhLTDNTw_Y&list=PLApqqGZRUe5obJfGMQLq5IkbUhKVh29nD&index=1036
/ https://bit.ly/3ew8vyY
(6) 全長版/【『21世紀の「ジェノサイド」ウイグルの真実』講演会in横浜】2021.4.10日本ウイグル協会(主催)、日本大好き市民の会、「つくる会」神奈川県支部
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rc02nPy95g&list=PLApqqGZRUe5obJfGMQLq5IkbUhKVh29nD&index=986
/ https://bit.ly/32WRby4
(7) 【ウイグルの声#46】政治が動き始めた〜NHK、ニューヨークタイムズが報じるウイグル [R3/4/24]
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TJryrPKdtE&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=230
/ https://bit.ly/3ev2Lps
(8) 「What has happened to me」~A testimony of a Uyghur woman~
⇒ https://note.com/tomomishimizu/n/n4cade047aed8
/ https://bit.ly/32O5d4N
(9) 私の身に起きたこと 〜とあるウイグル人女性の証言2〜英語翻訳版 What has happened to me
⇒ https://note.com/tomomishimizu/n/n9531758f7233
/ https://bit.ly/3tTlK3r
(10) !! Harvest LIVE HUMAN ORGANS in CHINA !!! - Between LIFE and DEATH
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bi92jR9nUQ&list=PLApqqGZRUe5olm-Pd0h_xPZfpWiD32NrX&index=2
/ http://bit.ly/314YFvM
[Fraud of 'Global Warming by Increasing CO2']
(11) 地球温暖化詐欺:全編・CO2犯人説のウソ
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBcXwLJygfk&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pFjWHG1Yo50Aj2P8CIgWos&index=7
/ http://bit.ly/2PgcSBj
[About Korean Lies Alleging Japanese Military's Sex-Slave System]
(12) 2021年韓国ソウル日本大使館 連合ニュース前での記者会見。質疑応答1
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg6LWmrjG_M&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=220
/ https://bit.ly/3tTP6yL
(13) 質疑応答2, この声が全世界に届きますように。
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXcDOj1ze10&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=229
/ https://bit.ly/32W5Nxj
(14) 質疑応答3 契約書のお話。
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9RIPkp2LkU&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=230
/ https://bit.ly/3aCgqK4
(15) ペン&マイク その4 契約書は安全装置
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mzS7jCpijs&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=234
/ https://bit.ly/3dUzDbO
(16) 嘘は嘘、早く気づいて!その5。契約書の内容必見。
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoCC3c3zci8&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=232
/ https://bit.ly/2R2PPPA
(The fact of the existence of contract documents of prostitution
which substantiate that the assertion, "To be made to become comfort women, Korean women were moved forcibly by Japanese military forces " is a falsehood.)
(17) 洗脳から解き放たれるまで。朴さんのお話
⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzEPJG57R_I&list=PLApqqGZRUe5pkq0XyLSW-cLjqyDcfwHFG&index=231
/ https://bit.ly/2QWmFl0
[References in Japanese]
(18) 日本解放第二期工作要綱_中国共産党
⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/14zvmLWQWcki1h_gRruenypwtVILLQWET/view?usp=sharing
/ https://goo.gl/xRZzdh
(19) 本物の世界史年表 [作成中で未完成]
⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dBLHUmnlBQYEIwl312WNSNRQB7YLfmug/view?usp=sharing
/ http://bit.ly/2YQ7PQf
By the way, ... or rather, as for the main subject,
I'm convinced that
the best solution to how to interfere in the Masonicdespotism over the world
is to actually extinguish the CRAZY CCP
without assisting PRO-WRESTLING FIGHT politics
between the CRAZY CCPand U.S. FALSE Pres. Biden'sadministration.
(20) The Continent of China after the Dissolution of the CRAZY CCP
⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BerQ5q-ov6RW3xNPzwibLFsprdP1ft5C/view?usp=sharing
/ https://bit.ly/3eRHNkT
For that purpose, we Japanese should
(a)[i] arm ourselves with nuclear weapons and
[ii] establish the national defence forces, and
(b) lead other countries to cooperate to extinguish the CRAZY CCP,
awakening sheeplein other countries
from the international brainwashing by Europe's ruling class?.
Sheepleon earth should join forces to extinguish the CRAZY CCP,
regardless of the attitude of the SWINDLERS, Masonic forces?/&.
Thank you.
⇒ https://fanblogs.jp/miracletoypoodle/archive/244/0
/ https://bit.ly/3eN49nt
⇒ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFK6W4ivGX6xmM7peTVgEmB4wdPY-F57/view?usp=sharing
/ https://bit.ly/31Gq2yi
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