by 野毛商店街
また使用機種(iPhone or アンドロイド)に関しても不問です。


「NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi」の利用方法は下記の 【SNS認証方式】と【メール認証方式】の2通りです。
STEP?@ SSID「NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi」を選択しブラウザを立ち上げます。
STEP?A ログイン画面にて、ご利用の SNS ロゴを選択SNS アカウント*2 でログインしてください。
STEP?@ SSID「NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi」を選択しブラウザを立ち上げます。
STEP?A ログイン画面にて、メールアドレスを入力し、送信ボタンを押下します。
STEP?B 5 分以内に折り返し受信したメール内に記載された URLにアクセスしログインしてください。
*2 Facebook、Twitter、Google、Yahoo! JAPAN、Weibo のアカウントが利用可能です
・対応言語 : 7 言語(日・英・中(簡体字・繁体字)・韓・タイ・ポルトガル)
・「NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi」利用可能時間 : 3 時間 ※繰り返し何度でも利用可能です
ワイヤ・アンド・ワイヤレスが提供していますので「TRAVEL JAPAN Wi-Fi」アプリを使用すると
コジマ×ビックカメラ 函館店を含めた全国20万ヶ所以上のWi-Fiスポットにスムースに接続できます。

Today's new free Wi-Fi SSID: [NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi]
by Noge shopping district, Japan
How are you doing, everybody ?
I mainly introduce this blog to people of ?@ ~ ?G below.
?@ If your LTE capacity is almost over your unlimited plan
?A iPhone4S and those who use the 3G model that does not support LTE, such as iPhone4
?B Wi-Fi is more necessary in a tablet, such as iPad
?C if you living abroad temporarily return to Japan with the smartphone and Sim Free mobile use of Sim free
?D towards foreign travelers
?E If you use a notebook computer
?F phones Garake (Future phones) Sumaho the direction of Wi-Fi use
?G purely If you like free Wi-Fi (laughs)
Last one, just kidding.
Of course, DoCoMo, au, Softbank and Y! mobile including SIM free…
It is a free Wi-Fi that can be used by anyone regardless of carrier.
This time I will introduce a free Wi-Fi that can be used at a shopping district of Yokohama (free public wireless LAN).
It is ... Noge shopping district.
Noge main street shopping district is located between the Sakuragicho and Hinodecho (Yokohama).
Noge main street shopping district of HP ↓

Noge main street can be used at the mall free Wi-Fi details ↓

How to use the "NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi" is a two ways of [the e-mail authentication method] and [SNS authentication method] below.
[SNS authentication method]
Select the STEP?@ SSID "NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi" to launch the browser.
At STEP?A login screen, please log in to your use of SNS logo in the selection SNS account * 2.
[E-mail authentication method]
Select the STEP?@ SSID "NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi" to launch the browser.
At STEP?A login screen, enter your e-mail address, and press the send button.
Please login to access the listed URL in STEP?B 5 minutes within the folded received in the mail to.
* 2 Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo! JAPAN, Weibo account is available
Other Notes
- Languages: 7 languages ??(Japanese, English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Korean, Thai, Portuguese)
- "NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi" available time: 3 hours ※ It is repeated any number of times available
Finally, I will tell you the important points to note when using free Wi-Fi.
Do not the following things such as inputting your ID & password as writing down the numbers of your credit card when you are connecting a free Wi-Fi
Because the Wire and Wireless Company provides 【NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi】,
the TRAVEL JAPAN Wi-Fi application can make you connect more easily.
Why don't you use 【NOGE_Free_Wi-Fi】?