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833発目 キャリアフリーの新たな無料Wi-Fiサービス(フリーWi-Fiスポット)を探せ その711 今日の新たな無料Wi-FiのSSID:【NTTWEST-FREE】 by 北栄高齢者福祉センターなど 鳥取県の無料Wi-Fiスポット編
by 北栄高齢者福祉センターなど
また使用機種(iPhone or アンドロイド)に関しても不問です。
避難所等 住所 アクセスポイント数
北栄高齢者福祉センター 鳥取県東伯郡北栄町田井46-2 3
大栄中学校武道館 鳥取県東伯郡北栄町由良宿340 2
北条健康福祉センター 鳥取県東伯郡北栄町土下121−1 1
アロハホール 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町はわい長瀬584 2
東湖園 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町旭83 1
活性化センターはまなす 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町園2286-1 1
羽衣会館 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町長和田506 1
舎人会館 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町方地1208 1
三朝文化ホール 鳥取県東伯郡三朝町大瀬999-2 2
倉吉市立上灘小学校 鳥取県倉吉市上灘町136 3
倉吉市立成徳小学校 鳥取県倉吉市仲ノ町733 2
倉吉市立明倫小学校 鳥取県倉吉市余戸谷町3059 2
上灘公民館 鳥取県倉吉市上灘町9-1 1
灘手公民館 鳥取県倉吉市沢谷204 1
北谷公民館 鳥取県倉吉市福本226-1 1
高城公民館 鳥取県倉吉市上福田480 1
倉吉市立上北条小学校 鳥取県倉吉市新田405-1 2
倉吉市立河北小学校 鳥取県倉吉市海田西町1-130 2
西郷公民館 鳥取県倉吉市吉市下余戸118-1 1
倉吉市立河北中学校 鳥取県倉吉市上井503-1 1
倉吉市立社小学校 鳥取県倉吉市国分寺88 1
倉吉市立小鴨小学校 鳥取県倉吉市中河原775-1 2
上小鴨公民館 鳥取県倉吉市上古川261-3 2
NTTBPが提供していますので「Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi」アプリで
Today's new free Wi-Fi SSID: [daiei_free_Wi-Fi]
by Daiei Owada store (Osaka), etc., Japan
How are you doing, everybody ?
I mainly introduce this blog to people of ?@ ~ ?G below.
?@ If your LTE capacity is almost over your unlimited plan
?A iPhone4S and those who use the 3G model that does not support LTE, such as iPhone4
?B Wi-Fi is more necessary in a tablet, such as iPad
?C if you living abroad temporarily return to Japan with the smartphone and Sim Free mobile use of Sim free
?D towards foreign travelers
?E If you use a notebook computer
?F phones Garake (Future phones) Sumaho the direction of Wi-Fi use
?G purely If you like free Wi-Fi (laughs)
Last one, just kidding.
Of course, DoCoMo, au, Softbank and Y! mobile including SIM free…
It is a free Wi-Fi that can be used by anyone regardless of carrier.
This time I will introduce a free Wi-Fi that can be used in Tottori Prefecture (free public wireless LAN).
I am really sorry that a lot of people in Tottori Prefecture have suffered from the earthquake.
Free Wi-Fi service has been installed free public wireless LAN, such as shelter began.
You can use the public wireless LAN without procedure for e-mail address or password.
News Releases ↓
Operational status of free public Wi-Fi (Tottori Prefecture) ↓
Location List
Shelter, etc. address the number of access points
Hokuei elderly welfare center, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun hokuei Tai 46-2 3
Daiei junior high school, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun hokuei Budokan Yurashuku 340 2
Kenko Hojo welfare center Hashita Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun hokuei 121-1 1
Aloha Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho Hawaii Nagase 584 2
Asahi East Lake Gardens, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho 83 1
Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Hamanasu activation center Yurihama-cho Gardens 2286-1 1
Hagoromo Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho Nagota 506 1
Toneri Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho how land 1208 1
Misasa Culture Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun, Misasa Ose 999-2 2
Kurayoshi stand Kaminada Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kaminada cho 136 3
Kurayoshi City Shigenori Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Nakano-cho, 733 2
Kurayoshi stand Meirin Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Yogo Tanimachi 3059 2
Kaminada public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kaminada-cho 9-1 1
Nadate public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Sawadani 204 1
Chatan public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Fukumoto 226-1 1
Takagi community center, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kamifukuda 480 1
Kurayoshi City on Hojo Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Nitta 405-1 2
Kurayoshi stand Hebei elementary school, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kaidanishi cho 1-130 2
Saigo public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Shikichi City Shimoyodo 118-1 1
It kurayoshi stand Hebei Junior High School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kamii 503-1 1
Kurayoshi Municipal Corporation Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kokubunji 88 1
Kurayoshi City Xiaoya Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Nakagawara 775-1 2
Kamiogamo public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kamikogawa 261-3 2
Finally, I will tell you the important points to note when using free Wi-Fi.
Do not the following things such as inputting your ID & password as writing down the numbers of your credit card when you are connecting a free Wi-Fi
Because NTTBP provides 【NTTWEST-FREE】,
the "Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi" application can make you connect more easily.
Why don't you use 【NTTWEST-FREE】?