by 勾当台公園
また使用機種(iPhone or アンドロイド)に関しても不問です。

STEP?@ SSID【SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi】を選択してブラウザを立ち上げます。
STEP?A ログイン画面にて、ご利用の SNS ロゴを選択し、SNS アカウント(注)でログインしてください。
(注) Facebook、Twitter、Google、Yahoo! JAPAN のアカウントがご利用いただけます。
なお、日本語をご選択いただいた場合のみYahoo! JAPANがご利用いただけます。
STEP?@ SSID「SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi」を選択してブラウザを立ち上げます。
STEP?A ログイン画面でメールアドレスを入力し送信ボタンを押下します。
STEP?B 5分以内に折り返し受信したメール内に記載された URL にアクセスしログインしてください。
ワイヤ・アンド・ワイヤレスが提供していますので「TRAVEL JAPAN Wi-Fi」アプリを使用すると

Today's new free Wi-Fi SSID: 【SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi】
By "Kotodai Park", Japan
How are you doing, everybody ?
I mainly introduce this blog to people of ?@ ~ ?G below.
?@ If your LTE capacity is almost over your unlimited plan
?A iPhone4S and those who use the 3G model that does not support LTE, such as iPhone4
?B Wi-Fi is more necessary in a tablet, such as iPad
?C if you living abroad temporarily return to Japan with the smartphone and Sim Free mobile use of Sim free
?D towards foreign travelers
?E If you use a notebook computer
?F phones Garake (Future phones) Sumaho the direction of Wi-Fi use
?G purely If you like free Wi-Fi (laughs)
Last one, just kidding.
Of course, DoCoMo, au, Softbank and Y! mobile including SIM free…
It is a free Wi-Fi that can be used by anyone regardless of carrier.
This time we will introduce free Wi-Fi (free public wireless LAN) that can be used in Sendai City, Miyagi prefecture.
That is ... "Kotodai Park".
"Kotodai Park" is located in Honcho 3-chome Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi prefecture.
"Kotodai Park" Details ↓

Free Wi-Fi connection method at the "Kotodai Park"
A) SNS authentication method
STEP 1 Select SSID 【SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi】 and launch the browser.
STEP 2 In the login screen, select the SNS logo you use and login with SNS account (Note).
(Note) You can use the account of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo! JAPAN.
Yahoo! JAPAN can be used only when you select Japanese.
B) Mail authentication method
Launch the browser and select the STEP?@ SSID "SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi".
STEP 2 Enter your e-mail address on the login screen and press the send button.
STEP 3 Please access the URL listed in the mail you received within 5 minutes and log in.
Finally, I will tell you the important points to note when using free Wi-Fi.
Do not the following things such as inputting your ID & password as writing down the numbers of your credit card when you are connecting a free Wi-Fi
Because the Wire and Wireless Company provides 【SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi】,
the TRAVEL JAPAN Wi-Fi application can make you connect more easily.
Why don't you use 【SENDAI_free_Wi-Fi】?