School Board Meeting Highlights - May 23, 2024

  • School Board
  • May 24, 2024

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At 7:00 p.m., the National Anthem was performed by the Sangster ES 6th Grade Advanced Class under the direction of Jessica Kusdarman and Diana Chou.

The School Board approved proclamations honoring former Assistant Superintendent of School Improvement and Supports Mark Greenfelder , former Region 3 Assistant Superintendent Dr. Grace Taylor , former Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. Sherry Agnew-Scott , and former Chief Operating Officer Chuck Fanshaw .

The School Board heard from 1 member of the public during Community Participation .

Student Representative Rida Karim presented Student Representative Matters to the School Board.

The School Board adopted the FY 2025 Budget and approved necessary modifications to the FY 2025 Advertised Budget due to county and state budget impacts . The FY 2025 Adopted Budget maintains the School Board and division's priorities in the FY 2025 Advertised Budget by approving a needs-based budget focused on educational excellence and opportunity for all students and competitive compensation by providing a compensation increase of 4% to all FCPS employees.

In a related action, the School Board approved these follow-on motions to the FY 2025 Adopted Budget:

  • That the School Board direct the Superintendent to present to the School Board, as part of the School Year 2024-25 Executive Limitation 11 (EL-11) monitoring report, a benefit-cost analysis and legal framework for using public-private partnerships to design, build, finance, and maintain FCPS school buildings and infrastructure. Public-private partnerships shall not be used to reduce or replace FCPS employees or outsource functions performed by FCPS employees.
  • That the School Board direct the Superintendent to present to the School Board, as part of the School Year 2024-25 Executive Limitation 11 (EL-11) monitoring report, a plan for exploring the reduction of annual leasing expenses.
  • That the School Board direct the Superintendent to present to the School Board, as part of the School Year 2024-25 Executive Limitation 11 (EL-11) monitoring report, a benefit-cost analysis for achieving the Board’s Joint Environmental Taskforce directive of replacing the school division’s diesel school bus fleet with electric alternatives and building any additional charging infrastructure required.

Superintendent Reid presented the Strategic Plan Goal 4 Baseline Report . The School Board approved the Goal 4 Baseline Report as the division’s starting point for the work toward achieving the goals in our Strategic Plan 2023-30 .

Superintendent Reid presented a monitoring report on Executive Limitation-12: Technology . The School Board found that the Superintendent has made adequate progress towards compliance with EL-12 . In a related action, the School Board voted to maintain Executive Limitation 12: Technology, as it is currently detailed in the Strategic Governance Manual .

Superintendent Reid, Senior Manager III for Systemwide Professional Development Annie Dipert, and Educational Specialist Bob Hamell presented a Strategic Plan update on the division's Grow Your Own (GYO) initiative for Special Education teachers . Also, Superintendent Reid presented Academic Matters on the upcoming SOL Family Reports .

The School Board also approved minutes of the April 25, 2024 and May 9, 2024 meetings , the monthly report on Employee Separation , Strategic Governance Manual Calendar Alignment , and several contracts.

Finally, the School Board regular meeting concluded with Committee Reports.

Watch the full meeting on the FCPS YouTube channel .

Upcoming School Board meetings include:

  • Comprehensive Planning and Development Committee Meeting on May 29, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
  • Public Engagement Committee Meeting on June 6, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
  • Regular Meeting on June 13, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

5/23/24 School Board Regular Meeting Photo Gallery