Chantilly Pyramid Spotlight on Student Learning

April 27, 2023

Our Spotlight on Learning event welcomed Chantilly Pyramid students to showcase their Portrait of a Graduate learning.  This event celebrated students who elected to share their growth and learning in their development of Portrait of a Graduate skills.

During the event, students were invited to share their experiences and accomplishments with peers, families, and community members.  For example, students who had developed excellent communication skills through a Global Awareness Technology Project chose to showcase their public speaking ability by delivering their presentation. A student who has participated in the Global Classroom Project shared their learning about different cultures. 

Through these presentations, students showcased their growth, learning and shared their experiences to demonstrate how their learning shows in our Portrait of a Graduate skills.  It was a pleasure to visit with our students and see all the presentations of their development as well-rounded, engaged, and responsible citizens, according to the Portrait of a Graduate framework.

POG Attributes