Spanish Immersion Program

Our Two-Way (countywide lottery placement) Program

Rose Hill Elementary is proud to have a two-way Spanish Immersion program for grades K-6. If you are interested in having your student be a part of the program, it's important that you are aware of the enrollment process and timeline.

For rising Kindergartners and 1st Grade Students

There is a lottery process for students to be enrolled in the Spanish Immersion program for these two grade levels. You must enroll at your base school first and then submit your immersion program application.  There is more information about this process as well as FAQs located on the FCPS site which can be found by click  here

For Students in all Other Grade Levels

If you are interested in having your student be in the Spanish Immersion program in rising grades 2-6, there is certain criterion that must be met. The student should have some capacity to read, write, and speak Spanish. This will go along way to ensuring success in the core academic areas that are taught in Spanish. If you are a current Rose Hill family, contact Assistant Principal Rachal Edwards at  @email  to express interest in having your student placed in an immersion classroom. If you are new to Rose Hill, when you register your child, let Yudi DelCastillo, the school's registrar, know of your interest.

General questions about the process can be directed to Yudi DelCastillo at  @email .

Our Spanish Immersion Staff

  • Spanish Immersion Teacher, ES

    Srta. Cotto Silva was born and grew up in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus. She has been teaching for 20years, fiveof those in Rose Hill. She likes to spend quiet time reading a book or just taking a walk. She loves to visit her family back in Puerto Rico or have them here for a couple of days.

  • Spanish Immersion Teacher, ES

    Señora Cruz is from Lima-Perú, she has lived in the US for 17 years and has worked for Rose Hill ES for 6 years as a 1st grade Immersion teacher. She graduated from Maristas HS (Lima-Perú). She earned a bachelor’s degree in Marcelino Champagnat University (Lima- Perú). She continued her education in Trinity Washington University. When she is with her family, she enjoys cooking, dancing and listening, and Peruvian traditions.

  • Kindergarten Teacher, ES

    Mrs. Garcia Quinones is a kindergarten Immersion Teacher at Rose Hill ES. She is from Puerto Rico and has been living in Virginia for many years now. While in Puerto Rico, she earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Puerto Rico and her Masters Studies at Universidad Interamericana at Ponce Puerto Rico. Mrs. Garcia Quinones has been working in kindergarten for all her years in Fairfax County. She enjoys her family's company and loves to exercise!

  • Spanish Immersion Teacher, ES