Frequently Asked Questions - Student Services

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions of TJ's Student Services department. Check back with this page as we will update it when necessary.

  • Question: What do I need to know about the Economics and Personal Finance (EPF) diploma requirement?
    • Answer: There are four ways that a student can fulfill their EPF diploma requirement:
      • Self-directed EPF
      • In-person EPF (Honors or Standard)
      • Online EPF (Honors or Standard)
      • AP Economics
      • Please talk with your School Counselor to discuss which approach might be best for your student.
  • Question: What courses can be used to fulfill the 4th social studies diploma requirement?
    • Answer: The 4th Social Studies diploma requirement is unique to TJHSST and must be fulfilled by a non-AP Social Studies eligible course. For example, a yearlong course such as History of Science or 2 semester courses such as Religious Studies and Inquiry into Ideas.  Please consult the TJHSST Course Guide for a full listing of eligible courses. 
  • Question: Does taking a course Pass/Fail affect one's GPA?
    • Answer: When a student earns a P for a course, it does not impact GPA. If a student were to fail the course, the F would be included in the calculation of one's GPA.
  • Question:If I want to take a summer course that is already locked in my course requests, how do I replace that in my course selections?
    • Answer: After meeting with your counselor for academic advising, the summer course will be removed from your course selections and the alternative course would be added manually at that time.
  • Question: Can I take HPE10 as an 'eighth course'?
    • Answer: No. Diploma credits must be taken during the reqular school day. (Exception: Self-directed EPF is only available as an 8th course)
  • Question: What math courses are required at TJHSST?
    • Answer: Students must have four math credits and complete AP Calculus (AB or BC) to be diploma eligible at TJHSST. 
  • Question: Where can I find more information about how to take a course over the summer outside of FCPS?
    • Answer: Please see your counselor for assistance. In order to take a course outside of FCPS over the summer students must first complete an IS-158 to request prior approval. This approval will include a review of the proposed course and the provider to ensure that the credit earned will be eligible for transfer back into FCPS.
  • Question: If I take the AP Computer Science exam, do I still need to take a CS course?
    • Answer: Yes. In order to be diploma eligible, students must have earned a credit in computer science. Taking the AP exam alone does not award credit - it does, however, help us find where you will have the most rewarding experience for placement purposes.
  • Question: Is geosystems a required class in senior year? Could I take a different science class senior year, if I have already completed the graduation requirements for science?
    • Answer: Yes, geosystems is required senior year at TJ. But, some students choose to take an additional science course senior year based on their interests and future plans.
  • Question: I am planning to take Chemistry this Summer and am considering taking two AP courses next year. Is this a good idea?
    • Answer: Please work with your counselor to discuss if this is right for you. Two AP courses is a lot of work, regardless of what grade you are in. It's important to consider the amount of time one has available to dedicate to their studies while still having time for clubs, athletics, and family.

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