Flow Chart of Math Courses at TJHSST

Four credits of high school math beyond Algebra 1 are required for graduation.

Either AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC fulfills the graduation requirement.

Math Flowchart Required Classes

The information detailed in the images above is written below:

Course Weightings

  • Research Statistics and TJ Math 1 – 6 are semester courses weighted as Honors Courses
  • AP Calculus, Research Statistics 2, and other post-AP courses are weighted as AP courses

Graphing Calculator Information

  • Geometry, Algebra II SOL exams: TI-83+, TI-84 or equivalent
  • AP Calculus exams: TI-83+, TI-84, TI-89 or equivalent
  • AP Statistics exam: TI-83+, TI-84 or equivalent

Course Descriptions

Course Title: Research Statistics 1 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9, Prerequisite: Algebra 1

Course Description: Students study basic probability and statistics with an emphasis on applications to scientific research. Topics studied include combinatorics, probability, descriptive statistics, and statistical distributions. The course culminates with an introduction to inferential statistics and applications of t -tests. Use of technology is integrated throughout the course.

Course Title: TJ Math 1 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9, Prerequisite: Algebra 1

Course Description: Students will study geometric topics  in depth, with a focus on building critical thinking and reasoning skills.  Topics of study include inductive and deductive reasoning, understanding logic statements, writing proofs, parallel and perpendicular lines and their properties, congruent triangles and similarity, properties of triangles, and quadrilaterals, circles, and ellipses.  The process standard focus will be Reasoning.

Course Title: TJ Math 2 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9-10, Prerequisite: TJ Math 1

Course Description: Students continue the study of geometric topics, with a focus on transitioning to algebraic methods for solving problems.  Topics of study include transformations, right triangle trigonometry, area of polygons and circles, surface area and volume, vectors in 2D (including component form and unit vector topics), solving equations and inequalities, linear systems up to 3D, and basic matrix algebra.  Use of technology is integrated throughout the course. The process standard focus will be Representation.

Course Title: TJ Math 2.5 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9-10, Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry

Course Description: This course is designed to strengthen problem solving skills using algebraic and geometric concepts previously encountered by students. An emphasis on depth, rigor, context, and metacognition will be the highest priority in the class. The goal is to have all students be able to think abstractly, integrate multiple concepts into a single problem, and consider the reasonableness of their solutions. Students will encounter familiar content in unfamiliar circumstances, and will present their results in a written and oral format. The pragmatic usage of technology is integrated throughout the course.

Course Title: TJ Math 3 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9-10, Prerequisite: TJ Math 2, Geometry

Course Description: This course is a review and continuation of the topics covered in an Honors Algebra 1 course. Topics include solving multistep equations and inequalities, graphing and analyzing functions, applying concepts to real life situations, and understanding the properties of several types of functions, such as quadratic, absolute value, polynomial, exponential, etc.  The content of the course provides the foundation of knowledge and skills needed for future math, science, and technology courses. Emphasis is on modeling, logic, and interpretation of results.  The process standard focus will be Problem Solving. Graphing utilities, especially graphing calculators, are integral to the course.

Course Title: TJ Math 4 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9-11, Prerequisite: TJ Math 3, Algebra 2

Course Description: Students study right triangle relationships, identities and equations, the unit circle and graphing. Class includes modeling and application problems. Topics include finding values of trigonometric functions, finding exact trigonometric values of special angles in degrees and radians, finding exact angles of inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, transformations and finding domain, range, amplitude, period, and shifts, graphing inverse trigonometric functions, solving trigonometric equations and inequalities, solving practical problems using the law of sines and cosines, vectors applications, polar coordinate system, using De Moivre’s theorem with complex numbers, and three-dimensional modeling and applications. The process standard focus will be Connections.

Course Title: TJ Math 5 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9-11, Prerequisite: TJ Math 4

Course Description: The study of Advanced Functions includes an extension of topics first introduced in algebra.  All parent function graphs and their transformations are a focus as well as the important features of graphs such as symmetry, concavity, extrema and end behavior. Operations on functions are studied, especially composition, and finding appropriate domains is stressed.  Specific functions such as exponential and logarithmic are explored and used for graphing, solving equations, and applications.  Other topics of study include sequences and series, proof by math induction, and the exploration of conic sections and their applications and an introduction to the fundamentals of calculus, including limits, continuity, and the concept of the derivative. The process standard focus will be Communication. Upon conclusion of TJ Math 5, students will be advised as to which level of AP Calculus they should take the following school year.

Course Title: TJ Math 6 -Unit of Credit: ½, Grade Level(s): 9-11, Prerequisite: TJ Math 5, Precalculus

Course Description: Semester introduction to calculus providing an overview of limits, derivatives, and applications related to those topics.