Service Learning HS

Robinson Service Learning

All qualifying hours for high school students must be verified on x2VOL PRIOR to May 1 of the graduating year.

Service learning is a form of learning that incorporates preparation, service, and reflection. Service learning provides students with an opportunity to connect what they do in the classroom to their volunteerism in the community. Service Learning at Robinson Secondary supports our student achievement goal of responsibility to the community by helping students to contribute to their school, community, country, and world.


In the service tradition of our school’s namesake, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Lt. James W. Robinson, USA, Robinson Secondary Robinson Secondary recognizes students for dedicated service to the community. Students may wear a Service Learning Cord at graduation as a symbol of their work towards making a difference in the community by accumulating a minimum of 40 hours of service by May 1 of their graduating year.    

Hours may be earned on one activity or over multiple activities and the student’s service hour record is cumulative over the high school career. Though not required, it is recommended that students plan to complete a minimum of 10 service hours per year, for four years, in order to meet the requirement. A formal application for the Service Cord is not required. Students should record service hours in x2VOL

Students can arrange their own service projects and may find opportunities in x2VOL.

Additionally, students may choose to complete 50+ hours to qualify for the Virginia Board of Education Diploma Seal for Excellence in Civics Education.  The Civics Seal has additional qualifications and details may be obtained from the Robinson Service Learning course in Schoology. 

For more information, please visit the Robinson Service Learning page in Schoology, x2VOL through Naviance Student, the middle or high school Service Learning Coordinator, or the Career Services Specialist.
