
Best Habits to Reduce the Risk of Cavities and Gum Disease

At the Mission Viejo dental practice of Dr. Robert Milner , our entire team is devoted to helping you prevent dental problems before they start. We believe that with a few smart habits, you can take control of your oral health and reduce your risk of developing cavities, gum disease and other problems.

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Reasons Why You Might Need a Dental Crown

A dental crown is a restoration that covers the exterior of a tooth that is compromised in some way. In many cases, placing a crown is the best way to extend the life of a weak, worn or damaged tooth.

If you’ve never had a crown, but are curious about when or why they are necessary, read on as Dr. Robert Milner explains the multiple ways he can use crowns to help his patients.

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A Straighter Smile Is a Healthier Smile

Fixing the alignment and spacing of crooked, crowded or gapped teeth is not only beneficial for aesthetic reasons, it is also better for overall dental health and function. According to Dr. Robert Milner , investing in orthodontic treatment to fix tooth spacing and alignment problems is a valuable investment in the long-term health and preservation of your teeth.

Here, Dr. Milner explains why a straighter smile is an overall healthier smile.

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Why You Might Not See Results with OTC Teeth Whitening Products

Nowadays, there is no shortage of teeth whitening products available in pharmacies and supermarkets. Companies like Crest and Rembrandt promise whiter, brighter teeth after just a few weeks of using strips, trays or gel pens. These products may seem appealing because they are affordable and convenient, but often they don’t actually work the way you would like them to.

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