GCU and Our Christian Worldview

GCU building with a cross on it

Grand Canyon University has been a Christian college since its founding in 1949, and we integrate a Christian worldview into everything we do. Every individual sees the world from a particular perspective, though they don’t always know what to call that perspective or how to engage with others whose perspective differs from theirs. GCU approaches education from a Christian perspective but welcomes all students to join the conversation, no matter their beliefs.

Sometimes, students who don’t identify as Christian are concerned about attending a Christian university. Although GCU is a distinctively Christian university, we embrace all students, no matter their worldview. Learners are evaluated based on their performance in the classroom and not on their personal beliefs.

The Power of Open Dialogue About Worldviews

Unfortunately, civil public discourse has nearly disappeared, and our society will not prosper if there can be no open and honest discussion about what we believe and why. At GCU, we hope to resurrect civil discourse by preparing students to engage others thoughtfully and charitably. For reasons like these, students from all backgrounds are valued and respected while attending GCU.

A university experience should involve open dialogue, respectful interaction, critical thought and a pursuit of truth. At GCU, we believe that these factors are essential to the development of self-awareness, self-knowledge and depth of character. It’s because of this that we cultivate an atmosphere of open dialogue with students who have different worldviews but are open-minded enough to engage others with respect and understanding.

Watch this video to hear Dr. Jason Hiles, dean of the College of Theology, explain why GCU teaches students from a Christian perspective and how we approach Christian education:

You are welcome at GCU because you and your views matter. If you’re interested in pursuing your degree at Grand Canyon University or would like to learn more about our Christian approach to education, then visit our website or click the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.