Research Guides

By Kelly O’Neill
MLIS, Reference Librarian

GCU library on purple background

Have you seen our research guides yet? The Grand Canyon University Library’s collection of research guides cover a variety of subject-specific and general topics that will help you become a successful researcher.

Research guides are perfect for students who…

  • Are new or returning to school
  • Need a little help getting started
  • Wants tips for finding information within their subject area
  • Need help with citations and formatting

The research guides have been created especially for students by the GCU Librarians. It’s our way of sharing some of our favorite resources and search tips with you!

Most of the guides cover the main subjects studied at GCU. These subject-specific guides will assist you in finding information inside and outside of the library. Recommended databases to use for your subject, current news articles, links to videos and websites are just some of the amazing resources you can find on these guides.

The guides don’t just cover specific subjects, though. There are also guides for citing resources, creating persistent links and search alerts, to name a few. There’s even one on general research – ideal for new students who are just starting out and are not sure where to begin.

Interested? Research guides are easy to find! Just go to the library homepage and click the link for research guides, located in the middle of the page. Now go have some fun exploring the guides and discovering all of the resources and services that the GCU Library has to offer!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.