Student Spotlight: Luke Rumbyrt

By Laura Arnold Luke Rumbyrt

Humble is the best word to describe Honors College senior Luke Rumbyrt. Majoring in exercise science and minoring in sports management, Luke has worked at two internships during his college career, one at Colorado University in the summer of 2017 and the other at the Fischer Institute where he is currently an assistant strength coach intern.

At his summer internship at Colorado University he assisted the athletes on their lift training and worked specifically with the women’s and men’s basketball teams. He would set up the lift machines and work one-on-one with seven different players. He made sure the weight rooms and equipment were spotless because of the prestigious reputation a Division One weight room has to uphold. He had to know how to personalize strength programs for each athlete and make each one fit their personal needs.

At the end of each day he would sit down with his advisor, the strength coach, and talk with him about what he observed and what he could learn from. Luke stresses that “you can benefit from older people and the wise knowledge they have to offer.” The most rewarding part of his internship at Colorado University was being able to work with and form a relationship with the athletes. He says that “everyone is a somebody” and working with them offers a different way to look at athletes.

At his current internship at the Fischer Institute in Phoenix, he works with the Arizona Cardinals and other NLF and NBL players. Luke believes that his experiences there offer a different perspective of the athletes because some individuals have prejudice against or biases towards athletes. Some individuals do not see the whole story behind people who are regularly in the media, but at Luke’s internship he gets the chance to start from scratch and get to know the athletes from a different perspective.

Luke says that students should always “work hard and be better than yesterday. They should have an end goal as well as small goals that [they] can accomplish every day to get closer to [their] big goal.”

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