Just Smile

By Samantha Brewer
College of Humanities and Social Sciences Student, Bachelor of Arts in Communications

a girl smiling

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Well, so is a smile.

Smiles indicate all sorts of feelings. A person can smile when they’re happy, embarrassed or even fearful. People who smile also tend to be viewed as more attractive and sincere (Riggio, 2012).

When thinking about courtship, a smiling woman tends to be more attractive to a man, and a male is more likely to approach a woman when she exhibits the positive nonverbal behavior of a smile (Guéguen, 2008).

We, too, smile in celebration of an accomplishment, at seeing a familiar face or in thanksgiving.

We also experience the times when we’re not feeling so cheery, but we bump into someone who is. Smiles tend to be contagious because the facial expression of smiling is located in the area of your brain that is responsible for automatic responses (Riggio, 2012). So, if a person does not return your smile with one of their own, it’s likely that they are making a conscious effort to not turn their frown upside down.

Just think about the power behind a smile.

You never know what one smile can do for someone else. Whether it be a stranger in the local coffee shop or a classmate sitting in the chair next to you, a smile can be the one thing that changes the direction of a person’s day. What may have been a solemn day for someone could turn into a happy one, knowing that one person notices them.

So, when you wake up in the morning, take a minute to look in the mirror and smile. Then, go share it. We all have a reason to smile at least once each day, graciously knowing we have yet another day to live. As followers of Christ, imagine what lights we could be in the lives of the people around us if we just smile.

Grand Canyon University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers a Bachelor of Arts in Communications to help students learn about the power of communication. Learn more about this degree by requesting more information .


  • Guéguen, N. (2008). The effect of a woman’s smile on men’s courtship behavior. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal , 36 (9), 1233-1236.
  • Riggio, R.E., (2012, June 25). There’s magic in your smile . Retrieved from psychologytoday.com/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201206/there-s-magic-in-your-smile

More about Samantha:

Samantha Brewer is a junior at Grand Canyon University. She is studying communications with a minor in Christian studies. She serves in the Spiritual Life department as a head Life Leader. This leadership position has developed her passion for relational communication. She currently works with media relations for a professional sports team in the Valley, and loves to see how the communication concepts she learns in the classroom play out in the workplace. Samantha was born and raised in Chandler, AZ. She hopes to live in Arizona the rest of her life, but isn’t opposed to the idea of moving somewhere near the ocean. Samantha also enjoys writing and reading, and hopes to one day write a book.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.