Is a Master's in Psychology Worth It?

<span>Is a Master's in Psychology Worth It?</span>

If you have an undergraduate degree in psychology or a related field, you may be wondering about the benefits of earning a master’s degree in psychology. Although there is plenty you can accomplish with a bachelor’s degree, many more opportunities may become available when you earn a Master of Science (MS) in Psychology as well.

5 Reasons Why a Master’s Degree in Psychology Is Worth It

Earning a master’s degree in psychology can be a very advantageous move for people hoping to grow and advance in their field. To find out why a master’s degree could be a good fit for you, discover the five benefits of a master’s degree below.

1. Explore a Variety of Career Options

By earning a master’s degree, you can become eligible for job positions that may not be available to those who hold only a bachelor’s degree. For example, if you are interested in health or forensic psychology, many careers in these fields require candidates to hold a master’s degree to be considered qualified.

In addition, a minimum of a master’s degree is highly recommended for many other career paths in psychology. So, make sure you research the requirements for jobs that interest you in order to ensure you are prepared to apply. Overall, holding a master’s degree can enhance your eligibility for many jobs in the field of psychology and give you an edge over other applicants who do not have the same level of education.

For example, you may want to hold a position as a psychologist, psychology teacher or manager. A master’s degree may be able to provide you with the necessary credentials to secure one of these careers and to pursue a variety of other opportunities.

2. Gain New Skills and Knowledge

If you want to further your knowledge beyond a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree can help you home in on an area of interest and dive deeper into materials that can help you better understand the human mind.

With a Master of Science in Psychology degree, you can choose an emphasis that suits your career goals and interests. Some specializations options that you may decide to explore include:

3. Grow Your Experience in the Field of Psychology

No matter your field, experience is always valuable and can help you realize your career aspirations. Some master’s degree programs are designed with online or evening class options so you can work and gain experience while also working toward your degree. It is a good idea to research different degree modalities and determine which works best with your lifestyle and career goals when enrolling in a master’s degree program.

4. Open the Door to a Doctoral Degree

Once you have earned a master’s degree in psychology, you may choose to further your education by earning a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in General Psychology. By doing this, you can discover even more career opportunities in the field of psychology, such as those of industrial–organizational psychologists, clinical and counseling psychologists and social science research assistants.

As the highest attainable educational degree, a doctorate identifies its holder as an expert and can help them become a leader. Doctoral degrees also include highly specialized degrees that allow for study in specific areas of interest such as cognition and instruction, industrial and organizational psychology, integrating technology, learning and psychology and performance psychology. 

Just as having a master’s degree increases your job qualifications, a doctoral degree takes you to the highest level. If you desire to become a licensed clinical psychologist or a researcher at the university level, you must first earn a master’s degree and then pursue your PhD in psychology.

5. Pursue Your Passion

If you are passionate about working in psychology, earning a master’s degree can help you to excel in your career. In addition, your dedication to psychology can be an essential key in motivating you to work hard in your studies. In the end, taking the step to earn a master’s degree will be worth it.

Choosing the Right Master’s Program

Now that you know the answer to the question, “is a master’s degree in psychology worth it?” you may be wondering how to start the process. First, you will need to complete your undergraduate degree, if you have not done so already. During this time, you may want to pay special attention to your grades and other activities, because these may benefit you when starting the application process for some universities.

Next, you should research universities and the psychology programs they offer. You may want to consider factors such as accreditation, modalities and specializations offered. This will help you decide where you may want to apply. 

Once you have an idea of where you would like to earn your master’s degree in psychology, it is time to start the application process. Many universities have counselors who are happy to guide you through this process. Once you are accepted into a program, you’re ready to start your journey as a graduate student.

Grand Canyon University offers many psychology and counseling degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. If you are considering earning your master’s degree in psychology, click the Request Info button at the top of this page to learn more about our master’s degree programs.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.