Mission Trip Boot Camp

By Paige Ferrari GCU students at boot camp

Attention! At Ease, soldiers!

The global pioneers disguised as Grand Canyon University students are now in training and preparing to launch into the world. The Department of Spiritual Life along with dozens of volunteers put in for one fierce day filled with training, team building and a few surprises sprinkled in for those participating in the 2015 mission trips.

Two of the Global Outreach ministries, Global Connect and Go Night, student leaders came together to put on this event. Over 250 GCU students will be traveling outside the United States for mission trips taking place over spring break and summer vacation.

However, this 12-hour day was not tiresome for these students. The day was broken up with team building, games and various speakers in preparation for going overseas. Games like “land of the loonies” tried the group’s skills at evangelism through cultural barriers, and blindfold dodgeball tested their team work.

But the most impactful of them all was the poverty dinner. Through this exercise, the students were separated into groups (similar to how the world’s population is separated) and fed accordingly. A mere 20 students were fed a full meal with servants and unlimited food. A larger group of about 40 students were given rice, beans and chairs to sit on with a limited supply of bottled water and meat to split. Lastly was the group of students that represented the poorest of the world’s population, but contained the majority of the student leaders. This group sat on the floor, used cardboard as their plates, cutlery and tables. The group had to serve themselves and have enough for the collective, but also had a “look out for me” mentality. Not only did this exercise promote a revolution to steal food, it also opened up the student’s eyes to how the rest of the world suffers with poverty and hunger.

“I hope that students got the opportunity to grow closer together as a family in Christ as well as learning how to make a long-term impact on the people they encounter on a short term trip” student leader Caylan Moore said.

These students and leaders will be heading abroad on over 15 different trips to the ends of the earth. Starting in spring break and continuing on all the way to the middle of summer, these missionaries are taking a firsthand look at what it means to be the feet of Jesus.

‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ (Matthew 28:19-20)

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.