An Original Masterpiece, Irreplaceable in His World

By Sheena Tracy
Spiritual Life Ministry Coordinator
Live orchestra

I recently bought a vintage record player from the 60s, and to say that I have been a bit obsessed with my new purchase would be an understatement.

Vinyl records truly amaze me, from the way they were made, to the way they sound, to how something that seems so old and foreign can still play like it hasn’t lost a beat. My first cassette tape in the 90s was Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and to this day I can listen to it over and over again.

While record shopping with a GCU student of mine, I found my beloved album on vinyl, so buying it was a no-brainer. As I cleaned and tended to the scratches, and to be honest just stared at it in amazement, I was struck by the idea that this record could not be replicated.

We live in a world where we can share anything, from music playlists, to photos, our location, or how we feel in that very moment about the weather and upcoming elections. But albums cannot be duplicated and shared like a CD, nor can you plug in your headphones and hear what it sounds like from your car.

You have to be in the room. You have to be present in order to enjoy this original masterpiece because nothing else will be able to replace or imitate it.

You Are Not Replaceable

Scripture states that “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10). You are His masterpiece.

You cannot be duplicated or replaced because He has designed you to be unique for a specific plan, and for Kingdom-minded purposes. But so often we forget this. We believe the lie that we are replaceable.

As time goes on and we pick up scratches and bruises and we believe the lies that we are no longer valuable, that the original design of us has lost its worth, and we are supposed to blend in and copy the lives and actions of our family or friends.

You are not replaceable, you are not supposed to be like everyone else, nor can anyone be who you are because we serve a God who is incredibly creative and thoughtful .

Be the Person You Are

Every single part of you was designed, created, and brought to life by Him and he has a specific plan for you, his masterpiece. So do not try to be anyone else, do not blend in with the crowd or imitate those around you. Be bold enough to find your creativity and originality through Christ and trust that he has made you for a role and a purpose that only you can fulfill. God is creative, and we should mimic that.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.